Creating and Configuring Elements

You need to create elements and configure elements information to monitor assets.

Creating Elements

Creating elements through the following.

  • Quickly creating elements in the toolbar
  • Creating elements in the management area

Creating elements in Toolbar by following these steps.

  1. Select Monitoring > Monitor to open the DTM Visualization Tool Editor.
  2. Select Menu menulines and select New Element in the drop-down menu.
  3. In the top toolbar, select the save button save .
  4. Enter the element name in the pop-up window and select OK. The created elements will be saved under Root of Elements by default.

Creating elements in Management Area by following these steps.

  1. Select Monitoring > Monitor to open the DTM Visualization Tool Editor.
  2. In the Management Area, select the destination folder for the new element.
  3. Right-click the target folder name and select New Element.
  4. Enter the element name in the pop-up window and select OK.

Configuring Element Attributes

Select a blank space on the canvas to configure the control, basic, grids and guides and data binding attributes for that element.