Managing Topology Page Associations

The DTM Visualization Tool supports associating assets with pages to facilitate users to view the monitoring pages related to assets. This article describes how to associate pages and preview pages from the assets perspective in the DTM visualization tool.


You need to be assigned the required asset permission and operation permission, and a menu group containing the Topology Page Association menu. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Asset Topology Association

In the Asset Topology Association, assets can be associated with pages.

Associating Pages

Associate assets to pages by following these steps.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Topology Page Association > Asset Topology Association.
  2. Select the OU tree.
  3. In the topology list of assets on the left, select the asset that needs to be associated with the page, or you can search for it directly.
  4. In the associated page on the right, select Select Page to open the Select page pop-up window.
  5. Select the page you want to associate with.
  6. Select OK to complete the page association.


  • Assets Tag: after the asset is associated with a page, the asset tag will automatically display.
  • Page Tag: if the page exists tag, it will be displayed automatically.

Replacing or Deleting Associated Pages

Replace or delete the associated pages of assets by the following steps.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Topology Page Association > Asset Topology Association.
  2. Select the OU tree.
  3. In the topology list of assets on the left, select the asset whose associated page needs to be replaced or deleted, or you can search for it directly.
  4. In the associated page on the right,
    • Select Replace Page to open the select page pop-up window and replace the associated page.
    • Select X to the right of the associated page to delete the associated page.

Asset Topology Preview

In the Asset Topology Preview, you can preview the pages associated with the assets by following these steps.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Topology Page Association > Asset Topology Preview.
  2. Select the OU tree.
  3. In the assets topology list on the left, select the assets to be previewed and the associated pages will be displayed on the right.