Rose Chart

Rose chart displays the data size by the area or radius of sectors. You can use rose charts to view the data trends throughout a specified time period, or to compare data at a specific time point.


Data Fields

The data fields of a rose chart required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 1
Measurement ≥ 1

Chart Style

Measurement Style

You can configure the style for the measurements of a rose chart. Measurement Style is only available in Advanced Mode.

Field Description
Color The column color


If you choose multiple measurements, the columns with the same measurement is stacked from the circle center to the circumference.

Axis Style

Format the Angular and Radial style of rose charts. You can hide any axis by clicking the respective preview button eye.

Angular Axis

Field Description
Name The name or unit of the data in specified columns, displayed as the suffix of the specified dimension
Axis Font The font of the data in columns
Axis Line The style of axis line. Axis Line is disabled by default. To enable, select preview button eye
Grid Line The style of grid line. Grid Line is disabled by default. To enable, select preview button eye

Radial Axis

Field Description
Name The name or unit of the radial axis
Dynamic Unit Enable to automatically choose the chart unit
Axis Range
  • The maximum and minimum of the radial axis
  • The scale of the radial axis
Axis Font The font of axis name and unit
Axis Line The style of axis line. Axis Line is disabled by default. To enable, select preview button eye
Grid Line The style of grid line. Grid Line is disabled by default. To enable, select preview button eye


You can use scalar bar to display specified data in rose charts.


Format the legend style of rose charts. You can hide legends by clicking the preview button eye.

Field Description
Position The position of rose chart legend
Size The size of the legend bar. Select Auto to automatically set the optimal legend size
Legend Font The font of the chart legend


Format the column style of rose charts.

Field Description
Column Spacing The percentage of the column spacing
Show Values The value of each column
Value Font The font of column values