Device Status

Monitor device statuses in a manner similar to a heatmap. Configure the color mapping to quickly identifying abnormal data.


Maximum and Minimum Label

Located on the top right of the widget are the maximum and minimum values which can be identified in the current tab of data sets. Select the target button target to reveal where these instances have occurred.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 1
Measurement ≥ 1


Only supports Common Data Service (CDS) data source.

Chart Style

Dimension Style

Format the names for all the data sets.

Field Quantity
Name Font Style the names.

Parent Metrics Style

Configure styles for the different metrics in the upper-right corner ellipsis (…) of cell groups.


Appears only if the two models in the selected category are parent-child relationships.

Field Quantity
Show Name Check to display the metric data.
Unit Name Specify an unit for the value.
Dynamic Unit Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your values.
Decimal Places Round up the values to the selected number of decimal places.

Measurement Style

Configure display options for varying values in every data set.

Field Quantity
Unit Name Specify an unit for the value.
Dynamic Unit Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your values.
Decimal Places Round up the values to the selected number of decimal places.
Color Mapping

Specify the minimum and maximum values of the color map.

  • Check Auto to take the smallest and largest data points as the minimum and maximum for the color map. Checked by default.
  • Check Reverse to reverse the color scheme.
Color Scheme Select the color scheme for the color map.

Other Settings

Cell Settings

Format the layout of the colored cells.

Field Quantity
Width Specify the width of the cells.
Spacing Specify the spacing between the cells.

Min/Max Label

Format the minimum and maximum labels and their respective values.

Field Quantity
Name Font Style the labels.
Value Font Style the values.
Unit Font Style the unit.