Heat Map

Heat Map is a graphical representation of data where each data value is represented as a color. It enables users to quickly compare large volumes of data and identify anomalies.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Multiplicity
Dimension (X-axis) 0 - 1
Comparison (Y-axis) 0 - 1
Measurement 1
Extension Unlimited

Chart Style

Axis Style

Formats the horizontal and vertical axes of the heat map. You can hide any axis by clicking their respective preview button eye.

Field Description
Name Specify the name to be used for the axis label
Dynamic Unit [1] Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your data values
Label Settings Choose the type, format and the orientation of the tick mark labels
Axis Font Styles the font of the tick mark labels
Axis Line Styles the axis line. Axis line is disabled by default, select preview button eye to enable it.
Grid Line Styles the grid lines. Grid lines are disabled by default, select preview button eye to enable them.
Show Scalar Bar Select this to show a bar that can limit the range of data displayed on each axis. This enables you to show only a part of the heat map.

[1] Only available for Y-Axis.

Heat Map Style

Cell Style

Formats the appearance of the heat map cells. Only available in Advanced Mode.

Field Description
Coloring method
Specify the method to set cell colors for specific values in heat maps, including Gradient and Segmented.
  • Gradient: specify the maximum and minimum displayed values and corresponding colors, and display value distribution with gradient colors. For detailed configuration, see Gradient Coloring Configuration.
  • Segmented: configure the cell colors for each value segment or string separately. or detailed configuration, see Segmented Coloring Configuration.
Color Mapping Specify the range of data values
Auto Select this to use the theme color as the color mapping
Border Configure the style of cell borders. Border is disabled by default, select preview button eye to enable
Mark Min Value Select this to mark the cell(s) that contain the minimum value with the text “Min”
Mark Max Value Select this to mark the cell(s) that contain the maximum value with the text “Max”

Gradient Coloring Configuration

Field Description
Auto Apply the default gradient effect of the current theme.
Min Specify the minimum value displayed on the heat map and the corresponding color.
Max Specify the maximum value displayed on the heat map and the corresponding color.

Segmented Coloring Configuration

Field Description
Segment Select the Edit Rule button, and configure the formatting rules for segments.
Matching Type The object type of each segment, including Value Range (for values) and Matching String (for non-values).
Default Style The default color of heat map cells (only available for the Value Range type).
Formatting Rules Select Add to create a formatting rule and specify the value range or string and the corresponding cell color.

Other Settings

Legend Style

Formats the legend. You can hide the legend by clicking preview button eye.

Field Description
Position Select the position to display the legend
Legend Font Configure the font of the legend text
Size Specify the size of the legend bar. Select Auto to automatically set the optimal size for the legend bar
Sliding Precision
  • Specify the minimum interval to move the scale bar:
    • 0: the minimum interval is “1”
    • 1: the minimum interval is “0.1”
    • 2: the minimum interval is “0.01”
  • The default value is 0