
The Topology widget is used to display information in a hierarchical structure. It is generally used to monitor connected assets of a site.



The most basic unit of Topology is called a node, which is displayed as a card.


A node card can represent an asset and display the following elements for the asset.

No. Element Description
one Status Indicates the connection status of the asset. It shows a green dot if there is incoming data within 20 minutes. Otherwise, a grey dot is shown.
two Icon Represents the type of component
three Title Shows the name of the component
four Current Flow Indicates the direction of electrical current. An up arrow indicates current flowing into the asset, while a down arrow indicates current flowing out of the asset.
five Content Shows a list of measurement point values
six More Information Displays additional data values in a separate dialog box.

Trend Analysis

For each node, you can add its data field for trend analysis. This is generally used to analyze the overall performance of the component over a period of time.

You can add a data field for trend analysis by following these steps:

  1. Click on the data field that you want to add.
  2. Click on Trend Analysis at the top right corner of the widget. Here, you can check the list of added data fields, remove some by clicking the x button beside their names, or remove all of them by clicking bin.

The Trend Analysis window is displayed.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 0 - 2
Measurement Unlimited

Chart Style

Node Style

Format the node appearance.

Topology Source

Field Description
URL Specify the URL that defines the topology tree structure


Field Description
Name Font [2] Style the name labels
Value Font [2] Style the value labels
Decimal Places Round up the displayed chart data to the specified decimal places
Convert Unit Select this to enable unit conversion based on magnitude of data value
Unit Font [2] Style the unit labels
[2](1, 2, 3) Only available in Advanced Mode

Other Settings