Application Scenarios

The EnOS DTV provides the no-code and low-code development of operation interfaces for the operation management personnel, project management personnel and O&M engineers in the energy production and energy consumption industries.

Business Scenarios

In the business scenarios of energy production and consumption, the indicator display page combined with GIS, the KPI indicator page combined with factory monitoring screen, and the monitoring pages of production materials and equipment can provide very important management and O&M basis for operation management personnel, factory management personnel and O&M engineers. The operation management personnel, factory management personnel and O&M engineers all need customize the display of these indicators based on their actual business conditions and their own insights.

With the EnOS DTV, operation management personnel, factory management personnel and O&M engineers can customize their own indicator or monitoring interfaces, which help to reduce the repeated communication with front-end and back-end developers, making the entire development process more agile, reducing development costs, and facilitating the quick iteration of indicator or monitoring interfaces based on the changes of production environment.
