Calculated Fields

Calculated fields extend the capabilities of basic data fields without the need to modify the existing data source.

This is achieved through the use of Javascript functions, which transform the original value from a data field into a calculated field value. In each function, multiple basic data fields can be referenced.


Each calculated field is a Javascript function.


Name Mandatory/Optional Data Type Description
rows Mandatory Object Contains all data rows of a data field
row Mandatory Object Reference of the current row
rowIndex Mandatory Number The row number of the current row. The first row has a rowIndex of 0.
global Mandatory Object Contains reference to all page parameters


You don’t have to use all the parameters in your Javascript function. In the examples below, you will see that the row parameter is most commonly used.

Return Value

Value Data Type Description
value Number/String (depends on configuration) The calculated value

To use a parameter or any cell of each row, reference it like a Javascript object.

var cell_score = row['score'];
var global_param_time = global.time;

You may also use DTV built-in functions for your convenience.

  • DTVFunc.sum(fieldId): Returns the sum of all values of the data field
  • DTVFunc.average(fieldId): Returns the mean of all values of the data field


Converting Timestamp

You can use calculated fields to convert the raw Unix timestamp into a human-readable value. The function below converts the raw timestamp into the format yyyy/m/dd HH:MM:SS.

function(rows, row, rowIndex, global){
  var timestamp = row['timestamp'];
  var date = new Date(timestamp); // Converts the timestamp into a Date object
  var year = date.getFullYear();
  var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
  var day = date.getDate();
  var hour = date.getHours();
  var minute = date.getMinutes();
  var second = date.getSeconds();
  if (isNaN(year)) {
    return '';
  } else {
    return year + '/' + month + '/' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second;

Calculating Total

DTV only supports aggregation of values column-wise. To aggregate values row-wise, you can create a calculated field. For example, assuming there are 3 data fields, each providing the number of cars for a different car type, per year. You can use the function below to return the total number of cars in each year.

function(rows, row, rowIndex, global){
    return row['sedan'] + row['suv'] + row['other'];

Formatting Values

You can use calculated fields to format basic data fields. For example, values for electrical current can be positive or negative, depending on its direction. Most of the times, however, only the magnitude is required. The function below returns the magnitude of the electrical current.

function(rows, row, rowIndex, global){
    var newCurrent = row['current'];
    if (newCurrent < 0) { // If value is negative, convert it to positive
    newCurrent *= -1;
    return newCurrent;