Progress Bar

The Progress Bar widget is used to display progress towards a goal in the form of bars.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Comparison 0 - 1
Measurement 1

Chart Style

Comparison Style

Field Description
Layout Specify how to arrange multiple charts
Show “Expand” Select this to enable users to view more bars by clicking Expand at the bottom of the chart. Otherwise, the extra bars cannot be seen at all.
Font [1] Style the Comparison field label that is located at the left of each bar
[1]Only available in Advanced Mode

Measurement Style

Field Description
Show Name Select this to show name label, unselect to hide name label.
Unit Name Specify the unit for chart data. The unit name will not be displayed if you chose to show data as percentage values.
Dynamic Unit Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your data values
Unit Font [2] Style the unit labels
Value Font [2] Style the value labels
Bar Width Specify the thickness of the bars
Axis Range Specify the data range
Decimal Places Round up the displayed chart data to the specified decimal places
Show As Percentage Select this to display the chart data as percentage values
Formatting Rules Set rules to display different liquid fill color for different measurement values
[2](1, 2) Only available in Advanced Mode

Progress Bar Style

Field Description
Name Margin Specify the width of name label shown relative to the width of progress bar
Value Margin Specify the width of progress bar shown relative to the width of name label
Name Alignment [3] Select the text alignment within name labels
Value Alignment [3] Select the text alignment within value labels
Layout [3] Select left-right to display the name label to the left of progress bar. Select top-bottom to display the name label on top of progress bar.
[3](1, 2, 3) Only available in Advanced Mode