Metric Card

The Metric Card widget is used to display data on well-organized cards. Unlike the Indicator Card widget, the cards of the Metric Card widget can be configured separately, for example different units, different rules for formatting rules, and so on.


Each card displayed by the widget consists of two internal cards - name and value cards. The name card displays the name of the card, and the value card displays the value, with the option to add a unit to the value.

Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 0 - 1
Measurement Unlimited

Chart Style

Measurement Style

You can configure the Measurement Style for each Measurement data field.

Field Description
Indicator Name Specify the name to be shown for all the charts.
Show Name Show the indicator name
Name Font [1] Style the indicator name
Unit Name Specify the unit for the value.
Dynamic Unit Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your data values
Unit Font [1] Style the unit
Value Font [1] Style the value
Decimal Places Round up the value to the specified decimal places
Alignment [1] Select the text alignment within the name and value cards
Name Position [1] Select to display the name card in either top, bottom, left or right position of the value card.
Name-Value Card Spacing [1] Specify the spacing between the name and value cards
Value Card Padding Specify the respective spacing within the value card
Name Card Padding Specify the respective spacing within the name card
Card Color [1] Select the color of the name and value cards
Formatting Rules Set rules to color the value text depending on its value
[1](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Only available in Advanced Mode

Metric Card Style

Field Description
Layout Specify how to arrange multiple cards
Horizontal Spacing Specify the horizontal spacing between the cards
Show “Expand” Select this to enable users to view more cards by clicking Expand at the bottom of the chart. Otherwise, the extra cards cannot be seen at all.