EnOS™ Platform Core Services


Features marked with “(Preview)” are selective opt-in features that are ready for you to test and evaluate but not recommended for production use. Contact your sales representative if you are interested in a Preview feature.

In EnOS 2.3 Release, we added new features for core services such as Resource Management and Metering. See the below for more details.

EnOS Management Portal


The EnOS Management Portal is best experienced with Chrome (latest versions).

Resource Management

New Resources

  • IoT Hub: Protocol Gateway Resource

    Protocol gateways in Device Onboarding enables users to use third-party system protocols to access EnOS for dynamic modeling and asset management in IoT Hub. Users can either use the third-party system protocols as they are, or define their own process for two-way conversion of third-party system protocols to EnOS standard protocol. You need to request for the Protocol Gateway resource before you can start a protocol gateway.

  • EnOS Enterprise Data Platform: Streaming Processing - Message Queue Resource

    For advanced stream processing pipelines, the system pipeline outputs data records that are needed by the pipelines to different Kafka topics. The corresponding data input Kafka topic is selected in the configuration of downstream stream processing pipeline, for saving computing resources efficiently. You need to request for the Streaming Processing - Message Queue Resource for creating advanced stream processing pipelines.

  • EnOS Enterprise Data Platform: Data Quality Resource

    Data has become an important asset that businesses rely heavily on. The quality of data is directly related to the accuracy of information and the overall data management could affect the survival and competitiveness of the business. Data quality management, therefore, is a set of processing guidelines for measuring, improving, and verifying the quality and integration of organizational data. You need to request for the Data Quality resource in order to query the quality of asset data.

For more information, see Resource Management on EnOS.


Data Subscription is added to the list of services in Metering for users to view its metering details and reports. For more information about Metering Service, see Metering.