What’s Changed?

EnOS 2.3 Release introduces the following behavioral changes.

EnOS Core Services

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Service / Function Before After
Security Settings Password policies are based on 3 types of password strengths: Medium, Strong, and Extremely Strong, with no options for customization. Password policies are no longer based on password strength types, and options such as the password length, password validity period, whether allowed to include numbers/uppercase/etc., can be individually customized.
Policy > Grant Permissions > Services All services are under EnOS Services tab, added via + New Rule. Improved interface with each service listed under its own tab, added via New Service.

Resource Management

Service / Function Before After
Request resource for Enterprise Analytics Platform 1 CU = 1 Core CPU + 4 GB Memory You can now specify the CPU request, CPU limit, memory request, and memory limit when requesting resources for Enterprise Analytics Platform.
Stream Processing - Message Queue Resource The maximum number of resource instances that can be applied for each resource type under each OU is 10. The maximum number is now 20.
Application Hosting Resource The lowest storage that can be applied for is 1 GB. The lowest storage that can be applied for is 0 GB, where users do not need to request for storage resource if not required.

IoT Hub

Service / Function Before After Impact
Device Modeling An enum item’s value has a 32 character limitation. The character limit is changed to 128. None.
Device Monitoring Device Network Status tab at Real-time Statistics.
  • Tab title changed to Device Communication Status.
  • Removed RSSI(dBm), SNR(dB), Packet Loss Rate, and Network Type columns, and added Message Type, Device Type, and Description columns.
Change in search results.
Device Management Data Type field has JSON and Custom as selection items when creating products. Changed to Onboarding Method. JSON is changed to Only EnOS IoT and Custom is changed to EnOS IoT and Custom. None.
Asset Tree The maximum number of asset trees that can be created is 10. The maximum number is incresed to 100. None.

Alert Service

Before After Impact
Can only select two measurement points as triggers for comparison. Can select multiple measurement points as triggers (up to 5 for each trigger). None.
Max period alert records are stored for: 3 months by default, able to configure minimum period as 1 month. Able to configure up to 24 months. None.

Device Integration Service

Before After Impact
The Respond Command node has only 1 entry point. It can now have multiple entry points. None.
Multiple entry points not supported for Action nodes. Multiple entry points supported. Maximum number: 100. None.
Maximum number of cases that the Swtich node supports: 5. The maximum number is increased to 100. None.

Enterprise Data Platform

Service / Function Before After Impact
For batch processing workflows using HiveSQL or submitting Hadoop yarn jobs in Python or Shell task nodes In EnOS 2.2,if no batch processing queue is specified (in existing or new workflows), the system will use the default queue. In EnOS 2.3,it is required to set up queue in shell script / Python code. In EnOS 2.2, if workflows that do not have queue settings in the task node, please update the queue settings in the task node before EnOS is upgraded to the 2.3.0 version.
In EnOS 2.3, queues are set up directly when running HiveSQL using Python or Shell task nodes.
For batch processing workflows with data synchronization task nodes for synchronizing structured data, and the data source or target of the synchronization task is HIVE In EnOS 2.2,The queue is configured in Scheduling Config and is a non-required field. If no batch processing queue is specified, the system will use the default queue resource provided by the platform In EnOS 2.3,when the data source or target of the synchronization task is HIVE,queue is a required field。Batch Processing - Queue is required to specified. The resource can be requested in Resource Management. In EnOS 2.2, if no batch processing queue is specified,please update the configuration of workflows to manually specify the queue resource that is requested through EnOS Resource Management service before EnOS is upgraded to the 2.3.0 version.
In EnOS 2.3,when the workflow is created,queue is a required field。Batch Processing - Queue is required to specified. The resource can be requested in Resource Management.

Enterprise Analytics Platform

Service / Function Before After
Jupyter notebook instance Click Enter in the notebook instance list to enter the JupyterLab environment. You can now click the Notebook instance name or click Open from the instance details page to enter the JupyterLab environment.
Beginner Guide in the Overview page Collapsed by default Expanded by default
MI Pipelines > Pipeline Designer Publish button Button name changed to Scheduling Configuration

Application Enablement Platform

Digital Twin Visualization

Service / Function Before After
Widget Data Fields After switching data sources or categories, all settings other than the Basic Information will be cleared. After switching data sources or categories, the original configurations for dimensions, comparisons, measurements, and styles are retained. You can manually replace invalid data sources.
Data Import and Export Import and export files are in .json format Import and export files are in .zip format. Unzipping will cause the zip package to become invalid and cannot be reimported.
Data Sources All data sources are displayed on one page.

Data sources are split into two tabs:

  • Built-in Data Sources: Commonly used EnOS data sources that you can use immediately without additional configuration.
  • External Data Sources: Other data sources that can be connected through database or connection formats such as MySQL, Swagger API, and so on.

Business Process Management

Service / Function Before After Impact
Process Management list Process Management list columns: Process Model title, Description, Publish Version and Last Updated. The Process Definition ID column is added. None.
Dropdown List Users can select an option from the list. Users can search for the required option by typing in the box. None.