Creating Recurring Works


Before starting, make sure that the current account has the required asset permissions, operation permissions, and menu groups including Recurring Work. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.


  1. In the left navigation bar, select Recurring Work to enter the recurring work list.
  2. Select New to enter the creation page, enter the plan name, select the enabled status, and set the work order’s basic information in the work order template.
  3. Select Next to set the schedule.
  4. Set the effective duration and schedule for the task.
    • Effective Duration of the Plan: set the time range, up to 5 years.
    • Schedule Type: Fixed and Floating are supported.
      • Fixed: the system generates work orders periodically (whether the work order is completed or not). Generation Date = time set for recurrence interval - lead time.
        • Recurrence Interval: this can repeat by day, week, month, or year.
        • Lead Time for Work Order Trigger: 1 week by default.
      • Floating: set the recurrence interval by year, month, week, or day. The first work order will be generated immediately, and the recurrence interval will start after the previous work order is completed.
  5. Select Save to complete the recurring work creation.


  • When multiple sites are selected, for a single site, the corresponding recurring work will be created only when the selected device type exists under that site.
  • When multiple devices are selected, you can choose whether to create a separate recurring work for each device when saving the recurring work.

If the recurring work status is set as Enabled, Work Management will automatically create a work order based on the schedule. If the status is Disabled, you will need to start the recurring work based on the Enabling/Disabling operations.