Managing Checklists

A checklist is a standard list that covers a set of tasks to be completed. It helps managers mark the completion of tasks and makes it easy for managers to view the progress of tasks.

Work Management supports creating checklists, adding tasks to be checked in them, editing, copying, and deleting checklists.


Before starting, make sure the current account has the required asset permissions, action permissions, and menu groups including Checklists. If not these are assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating a Checklist

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Checklists menu to enter the checklist list.

  2. Select New to go to the checklist creation page and enter the following information:

    • Checklist Name:enter a name for the checklist.
    • Description:enter a description for the checklist.
  3. Select Next to go to Task Adding and enter the following information:

    • Select Input Box in the drop-down window: enter the subject of the task. Descriptions can be added to this type of task on the work order details page.
    • Select Multiple Choice in the drop-down window: enter the subject of the task and select Add Option to add more than 2 options for this task. You can make multiple selections depending on the situation on the work order details page.
    • Select Single Choice in the drop-down window: enter the subject of the task and select Add Option to add more than 2 options for this task. You can make the single selection depending on the situation on the work order details page.
    • Select Note in the drop-down window: enter the notes. The notes can be displayed on the work order details page.

    For more information about processing tasks on the work orders page, see Processing Work Orders-Editing.

  4. Select Save to complete the checklist creation.

Editing a Checklist

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Checklists menu to enter the checklist list.
  2. Select Edit in the target checklist row to edit the configuration information.

Duplicating a Checklist

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Checklists menu to enter the checklist list.
  2. Select Duplicate in the target checklist row to duplicate a checklist.

Deleting a Checklist

  1. In the left navigation bar, select the Checklists menu to enter the checklist list.
  2. Select Delete in the target checklist row. to duplicate a checklist. The deleted checklist cannot be recovered.