Cumulative Update 5

This section introduces the new features and enhancement in EnOS 2.3 CU5.



New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
Security fixes:
  • CVE-2022-22965
  • CVE-2022-22978
  • CVE-2016-1000027
Fixed None

IoT Hub

Device Connectivity & Management Service

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
When you register a sub-device under a gateway device and use the device simulator to simulate the connection of the sub-device, the asset ID of the sub-device obtained in the logs may be incorrectly displayed as the asset ID of the gateway device instead. Fixed. The asset ID of the sub-device is now correctly displayed in the logs. None
When the certificate issued by EnOS for the MQTT server expires, you need to contact the system administrator to renew the certificate. Fixed. The certificate will be automatically renewed when it expires. None

Device Integration Service

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
A flow that contains a Store Context node may not run stably for a long period of time. Fixed None
A flow that contains an HTTP Server node may not run stably for a long period of time. Fixed None
When you select Uni-directional or Bi-directional as the authentication method in the MQTT Sub node, the flow may fail to be published. Fixed None
The Multicast node may generate duplicate route elements when forwarding messages to downstream nodes, resulting in conflicts in the message routing process and the failure to publish the flow. Fixed None

Alert Management

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
New Feature If an alert rule contains multiple measurement points, you can now specify the interval for generating alert records. Only the last triggered alert in each interval generates an alert record. None

Enterprise Data Platform

Stream Processing

New Feature/Enhancement/Issue Feature/Enhancement/Fix Description Impact (if any)
Security fixes:
  • CVE-2016-1000027
  • CVE-2020-5413
  • CVE-2022-22965
Fixed None