Editing Panels

You can move panel’s locations, rename, export, copy and paste, and delete panels in Management Area.

Changing the Location of Panels

  1. In Management Area, select the Panels tab.
  2. By clicking on the current folder where the panels are located, you can view all the objects in the folder in the Preview Area.
  3. In the Preview Area, drag and drop panels to the target folder.

Renaming Panels

  1. In Management Area, select the Panels tab.
  2. By clicking on the current folder where the panels are located, you can view all the objects in the folder in the Preview Area.
  3. In the Preview Area, right click on panels and select Rename.
  4. Change the name of the panels in the panel’s name field and click on the blank to save.

Exporting and Importing panels

Export the panels by following these steps.

  1. In Management Area, select the Panels tab.
  2. By clicking on the current folder where the panels are located, you can view all the objects in the folder in the Preview Area.
  3. In the Preview Area, right click on panels and select Export.
  4. The panels will be exported as a .zip file.

Import the panels by following these steps.

  1. Drag and drop the .zip file of the panels you want to use directly to the Preview Area.
  2. Wait for a while, and if the import is successful, an import success message will be displayed.


Exporting panels will export the panel’s path, bound assets, and the panel’s configuration together. When importing panels, they are imported to the corresponding folder according to the panel’s path. If the folder in the path does not exist, the folder will be created automatically.

Copying and Pasting Panels

  1. In Management Area, select the Panels tab.
  2. By clicking on the current folder where the panels are located, you can view all the objects in the folder in the Preview Area.
  3. In the Preview Area, right click on panels and select Copy.
  4. In the Management Area, select the target folder and right-click in the preview area below and select Paste.

Deleting Panels

  1. In Management Area, select the Panels tab.
  2. By clicking on the current folder where the panels are located, you can view all the objects in the folder in the Preview Area.
  3. In the Preview Area, right click on panels and select Delete.
  4. Select OK in the confirmation pop-up window to delete the panels.