Creating and Configuring Panels

You need to create panels and configure panel information to hold elements and widgets.

Creating Panels

Creating panels through the following.

  • Quickly creating panels in the toolbar
  • Creating panels in the management area

Creating panels in Toolbar by following these steps.

  1. Select Monitoring > Monitor to open the DTM Visualization Tool Editor.
  2. Select Menu menulines and select New Panel in the drop-down menu.
  3. In the top toolbar, select the save button save .
  4. Enter the panel name in the pop-up window and select OK. The created panels will be saved under Root of Panel by default.

Creating panels in Management Area by following these steps.

  1. Select Monitoring > Monitor to open the DTM Visualization Tool Editor.
  2. In the Management Area, select the destination folder for the new panel.
  3. Right-click the target folder name and select New Panel.
  4. Enter the panel name in the pop-up window and select OK.

Configuring Panel Attributes

  • In Panel Settings in the configuration area on the right, you can customize the basic, grids and guides configuration of panels.
  • In Page Settings in the configuration area on the right, you can customize the page tag and hoverbox configuration of the page.

Configuring Page Tag

Under the Page Tag tab, you can configure tags for the current page.

Field Description
Tag List Configure page tags, and third-party users can index the corresponding monitoring visualization tool pages based on the tags.
Asset Tag When this page is associated with an asset, the associated asset tags will appear. For more information on asset topology associations, see Associating Pages.

Configuring Hoverbox

Under the Hoverbox Settings tab, you can configure the background color and text color for the Hoverbox on the current page. For more information on the configuration of Hoverbox, see Configuring Elements Interaction.


If the hoverbox background color and text color have been configured in the element interaction, the hoverbox configured in the page will not take effect.