
Display and sort numerical data and progress bars by ascending or descending order. Set a rotation interval to cycle the data displayed.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Comparison 0 - 1
Measurement 1 - 10

Chart Style

Comparison Style

Field Description
Layout Configure the number of rows and columns for displaying multiple progress bars.
Font Style the Comparison Field label located at the leftmost side of each data set.
Rotation Interval Specify the interval in seconds to cycle the data displayed.

Measurement Style

Field Description
Show Name Toggle between displaying and hiding the label.
Name Font [1] Style the label.
Unit Font Style the unit.
Value Font Style the value.
Axis Range Specify the range of the progress bar.
Decimal Places Round up the values to the selected number of decimal places.
Formatting Rules Set rules to display different liquid fill color for different values.

[1] Only takes effect when no Comparison is selected.

Progress Bar Style

Field Description
Progress Bar Height Specify the thickness of the progress bar.
Name Margin Specify the width of name label relative to the width of the data set.
Value Margin Specify the width of value relative to the width of the data set
Name Alignment Select the text alignment for the name labels.
Value Alignment Select the text alignment for the values.

Format the placement of the progress bar:

  • Left-Right: Data set is arranged from right to left: name, value and progress bar.
  • Top-Bottom: Name and value is displayed above the progress bar.
Show Rank Index [2] Sort the progress bars by descending order according to the values.

[2] Only displayed if Top-Bottom is selected for layout.