Horizontal Bar Chart

The horizontal bar chart widget is used to compare data values.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Multiplicity
Dimension 1
Measurement ≥ 1
Extension Unlimited.

Chart Style

Measurement Style

You can style the bar for each Measurement field. Only available in Advanced Mode.

Field Description
Color Select the color of the bars

You can also style the appearance of the bars.

Field Description
Rounded Corners Select this to display bars with round corners.
Stack Select this to place bars with same Dimension value side by side.
Bar Spacing Specify the vertical spacing between bars with different Dimension values.

Axis Style

Formats the horizontal and vertical axes of the bar chart.

Field Description
Name Specify the name of the axes.
Dynamic Unit [1] Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your data values.
Axis Range [1] Specify the minimum and maximum values on the axes, and the number of labels between them.
Label Settings
Format the labels on the axes.
  • Format: Select how the labels should be formatted based on data type.
    • value: Select the prefix to use for converting the labels. Set to auto by default.
    • category: No option available.
    • time: Select a time format for the labels, for example YYYY-MM-DD or HH:mm.
  • Angle: Specify how much to rotate the tick labels.
Axis Font Style the axis labels.
Unit Font Style the unit labels.
Axis Line Style the line for the axes.
Grid Line Style the grid lines for the axes. Hidden by default for Y-Axis.
Show Scalar Bar Select to show a bar that can limit the range of data displayed on the axes.

[1] Only available for X-Axis.


The scalar bar enables you to show a part of the bar chart, so that users focus only on the important parts.

Legend Style

Formats the legend.

Field Description
Position Select the position to display the legend.
Size Specify the size of the legend bar. Select Auto to automatically set the optimal size for the legend bar.
Legend Font Configure the font of the legend text.