Cartesian Coordinate System Chart

Cartesian coordinate system chart now supports two types of charts:

  • Boxplot Chart: shows a statistical chart of a set of data dispersion information. It is mainly used to show the data distribution, and also allows comparison of multiple data distribution groups. For example, in the energy storage scenario, the boxplot chart can show the maximum, minimum, median, maximum 1/4 value, and minimum 1/4 value of all the battery clusters of an energy storage system over a period of time.
  • Scatter Chart: helps to show extreme data points by supporting the boxplot chart.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 1 - 2
Comparison 0 - 1
Measurement Unlimited. The recommended number of boxplot chart is 5.
Extension Unlimited

Chart Style

Set the style of the Cartesian Coordinate System Chart and match the data fields.

Field Description
Layout Set the chart orientation to vertical or horizontal. The main function is with the box line direction of the boxplot chart.
Series Add series, choose from boxplot or scatter chart.
  • Box Data: Set the 5 measurements as maximum, minimum, median, upper quartile value and lower quartile value.
  • Box Background Color: set the background color of the box.
  • Border: Set the box border color and width.
  • Match Second Y-axis: When checked, the data corresponds to the Second Y-axis.
  • Data Field: Select the scatter chart data.
  • Color: Select the scatter color.
  • Scatter Size: Set the size of the scatter.
  • Match Second Y-axis: When checked, the data corresponds to the Second Y-axis.

Axis Style

Field Description
Name Specify the name or unit of the axes.
Dynamic Unit [1] Select this to automatically use the suitable unit for your data values, and to automatically adjust the values on the axes.
Axis Range [1] Specify the minimum and maximum values on the axes, and the number of labels between them.
Axis Font Style the axis name font.
Unit Font Style the unit name font.
Axis Line Style the line for the axes.
Grid Line Style the grid lines for the axes.
Show Scalar Bar Select to show a bar that can limit the range of data displayed on the axes.

[1] Only available for Y-Axis.

Other Settings


Formats the legend. You can hide the legend by clicking preview button eye.

Field Description
Position Select the position of the legend.
Size Specify the radii of the legend dots and the vertical spacing between them. Select Auto to automatically set the optimal size for the legend bar.
Legend Font Style the text labels in the legend.


Different types of markers can be added: reference line, mark and highlight area.

Reference Line

Field Description
Data Field Specify the data field you wish to add the reference line in.
Select the type of reference line.
  • Maximum
  • Minimum
  • Average
  • Median
  • Custom Fixed
    • Numeric Value: Specify an unique reference value. Empty by default.
  • Parameters
    • Expression: Specify dynamic parameters to be used as the reference value. Empty by default.
Line Format Style the line.
Font Style the marked value.


Data Field Specify the data field you wish to add the mark in.
Select the type of mark.
  • Maximum
  • Minimum
Color Select the color of mark.
Size Set the size of the mark.
Shape Set the shape of the mark.
Font Style the marked value.

Highlight Area

Field Description
Linked Axis
Select the axis of highlight areas. You can:
  • Select X-Axis to display highlight areas vertically.
  • Select Y-Axis to display highlight areas horizontally.
Data Field Specify the data field of highlight areas. You need to add related fields to Data Fields > Extension first.
Identification Method
Specify the condition format of highlight areas. Sections that meet the specified conditions are highlighted in mix charts. You can choose the following identification methods:
  • Matching: highlight the background areas of objects with the specified value.
  • Value Range: highlight the background areas of objects within the specified value range.
Formatting Rules Specify the rules to highlight, including values or value ranges, displayed text, and highlight colors.