Pie Chart

The pie chart widget is used to compare data between a single data series, showing the proportion of each value to the total, and the total proportion can only be 100%.


Data Fields

The data fields required are:

Field Quantity
Dimension 1
Measurement ≥ 1
Extension Unlimited


If you do not have a dimension in your data and want to generate a single pie chart using multiple measurements, use the Multi-measurement Single Pie Chart widget. For more information about how to use it, see Multi-measurement Single Pie Chart.

Chart Style

Pie Chart Style

Pie Settings

Field Description
Use Gradient Select this to fill the pie chart with a gradient.
Use Donut Select this to display the pie chart as a donut.
Inner Diameter & Outer Diameter Specify the thickness of the pie chart when it is displayed as a donut.
Value Font Style the value labels.
Decimal Places Round up the displayed chart data to the specified decimal places.
Unit Name Specify the unit for chart data.
Dynamic Unit Select this to automatically use the unit that suits your data values.
Unit Font Style the unit labels.
Line Break Select this to display the unit below the value.
Layout Configure the number of rows and columns for displaying pie charts.
Show “Expand” If you enable Show “Expand”,You can select Expand at the bottom of the cart to see more sectors.
Data Size
  • Specify the number of data to be expanded and display. Other data with smaller proportions will be merged and displayed as “Others”.
  • For example, if you enter 3 as the Data Size, Only the 3 data with the largest proportions will be expanded and displayed.
Show As Percentage Select this to display the chart data as percentage values.


Field Description
Position Select the position of the legend with respect to the pie chart(s).
Size Specify the radii of the legend dots and the vertical spacing between them.
Legend Font Style the text labels in the legend.
Show Legend Value Select this to show the values on the legend.
Value Font Style the value labels.
Unit Font Style the unit labels.
Value Margin Specify the spacing between the value and the text labels in the legend.

Data Label

Field Description
Font Style the Dimension labels.
Position Select where the Dimension labels are positioned relative to the pie chart.