
The time filter enables users to filter data by selecting a specific time.


You can configure the time filter by following these steps:

  1. If you want to expand the filtering time value into an equivalent time range, select the Convert Time Range checkbox.
  2. If you want to use the current browser datetime as the default value, select the Default Time checkbox [1] .
  3. From the Unit list, select the granularity of time that can be specified by the dashboard user.
    For example, the unit Month means that the user can only select entire months such as Jan, Feb.
  4. If you have selected Convert Time Range, select the corresponding condition to satisfy for each selected data field.
[1]Not applicable to global filters


Enabling Convert Time Range will achieve a finer granularity. For example, if the unit Month is selected and the user selects July, then the time value will be expanded into a time range, namely 01 July to 31 July.