Configuring Sites

A site is a logical asset. A site can be a solar power site, booster site, or a factory or park. Multiple devices, components, and custom type assets can be created within a site. The types of site can be created in the current OU and the types of devices, components, and custom type assets can be created under a certain type of site are determined by the OU template. Contact your system administrator if necessary.

This article describes how to create a site.


  • The current account has access permissions to Site Onboarding, and permission points related to asset management. Contact the application administrator if necessary.
  • The current account’s role has operation permissions for Configure Site step. If you need to obtain the permissions, contact the application administrator. For more information, see Assigning Onboarding Processes.
  • Based on the site model, the system obtains the attribute value of the site to be connected. Since the models used in each site type are different, the site information to be entered is also different. The model linked with the current OU is determined by the OU template. If necessary, please contact the system administrator.


  1. Select Site Onboarding in the left navigation bar.
  2. Select the desired site type tag and select New Site.
  3. Enter site attribute values on Configure Site step page.
  4. Once entered, select Save.

After the site is successfully created, it will be displayed in the site list on Site Onboarding page. At this time, the status of the site is shown as Draft. Once the required steps to onboard the site have been completed and submitted, the site’s status will be updated to Released.