Q: How Can I Modify the Items to Fill When Onboarding Assets?

A: The items to fill when onboarding assets are determined by the attributes of the associated model, and different models have different attributes. To modify the model attributes, contact the system administrator.

Q: How Can I Onboard Assets Using Private Models?

A: To use a private model to onboard assets, a private model needs to be created first. Then contact the system administrator to create Modelling Rules for the current OU, assign it to the OU template, and finally associate the private model with the business object. The private model needs the public model associated with the business object to have an inheritance relationship, such as:

  • The private model inherits directly from this public model.
  • The private model inherits from a public child model of this public model. The public model and the public child model have an inheritance relationship.

Using a Solar site and an electricity meter device as an example, the following introduces the two methods of creating and associating private models.

Manually creating and associating private models

  1. The system administrator can view the public model associated with the Electricity Meter type, which is Meter-PublicModel. If needed, create new business objects and associate them with public models.
  2. The system administrator creates a private model named Meter-PrivateModel. This private model needs to inherit from the public model associated to the Electricity Meter type, which is Meter-PublicModel.
  3. The system administrator creates a modelling rule for the Electricity Meter device type. The rule’s valid range is set to Within Site.
  4. The system administrator assigns a Electricity Meter device type to a Solar site type. If it is both a site and custom type, skip this step.
  5. The system administrators assigns the Electricity Meter device type and modelling rules to the OU template.
  6. After the update of the OU template takes effect, the system administrator changes the model for the current OU’s Electricity Meter device type.
    • Site Type & Custom Type: The associated model is the model that will be used when onboarding the site and custom type asset.
    • Device Type & Component Type: When the model associated to the model No. corresponding to a component/device are identical or must inherit the model associated to the device/component type, the model associated to the model No. will be used to onboard this model of device/component. For example, a certain AESC manufacturer’s AESC model is associated to the public model Meter-PublicModel, after which we change the model associated to the AESC to the private model Meter-PrivateModel, and then set the site as a Solar site which already exists in the current OU, Solar-1.
  7. Under Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding, in Solar-1, when the asset administrator onboards an Electricity Meter device in the site, if he select AESC as manufacturer and AESC as model, the Meter-PrivateModel private model will be used. When other sites in the OU onboard the same type of electricity meter, the original Meter-PublicModel public model is still used.

Automatically creating and associating private models

  1. The system administrator can view the public model associated to the Electricity Meter device, which is Meter-Model. If needed, create new business objects and associate them with public models.
  2. The system administrator creates a modelling rule for the Electricity Meter device type by setting device type as Electricity Meter and effective scope as Within OU.
  3. The system administrator assigns a Electricity Meter device type to a Solar site type. If it is both a site and custom type, skip this step.
  4. The system administrators assigns the Electricity Meter device type and modelling rules to the OU template.
  5. After the update of the OU template takes effect, in Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding, the asset administrator onboards the site Solar-2 via import. The site includes a device for which type is Electricity Meter, manufacturer is AESC, and model is AESC. At this time, for the current OU, and under the AESC manufacturer’s AESC model, a private model will automatically be created for the Electricity Meter device, which is Meter-Model (Private). This private model will inherit the Electricity Meter device type’s associated public model, which is Meter-Model, and will be synchronized to EnOS Management Console and Configuration Center.
    • Site Type & Custom Type: The associated model is the automatically created private model.
    • Device Type & Component Type: The model associated with the manufacturer and model No. corresponding to the device/part type is the automatically created private model.
  6. The next time the asset administrator onboards from Onboarding Tool > Site Onboarding menu page, under any Electricity Meter device, if they select AESC as manufacturer and AESC as model, the Meter-Model (Private) private model will be used. This private model will also be used if other sites in the OU need to onboard electricity meters of this model, .

Q: How Do I Synchronize Assets Onboarded in EnOS Device Connection And Management to Onboarding Tool?

A: Assets onboarded in EnOS Management Console > Device Management will be synchronized to Onboarding Tool after batch adding tags to the assets using Onboarding Tool > Business Tag Tool. For more information, see Managing Asset Business Tags.

Assets onboarded by Onboarding Tool will be automatically synchronized to EnOS Management Console > Device Management, and these will have the business tags of Onboarding Tool. For more about Onboarding Tool business tags, see Asset Business Tags.