Managing Asset Business Tags

Tags are assets’s “passport” to guarantee that EnOS Industry Application Common Building Blocks(CBBs) can get various data of the assets. After connected to EnOS Device Connectivity & Management or EnOS Edge, assets can be tagged by and synced to Onboarding Tool, for sure Onboarding Tool or other EnOS CBBs to manage the assets and process data properly.

With the Business Tag Tool in Onboarding Tool, you can perform the following actions on the tags of the assets in this OU:

  • For the assets that are onboarded via Onboarding tool, the tags of Onboarding Tool have been added, and can be updated in batches by Business Tag Tool.
  • For the assets that are not onboarded via Onboarding tool, the tags of Onboarding Tool can be added in batches or updated manually by Business Tag Tool.

For more information about the business meaning of Onboarding Tool tags, see Asset Business Tags.

To tag assets with Onboarding Tool, you need to complete the 3 steps of Tagging by Types, Tagging by Manufacturers and Models, and Tagging by Asset Relations.

If any step of tagging fails, you can select Tagging in Batches to update the tags manually.

Step 1: Tagging by Types

By tagged by types, all assets in this OU will be tagged with their asset types.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Business Tag Tool menu, and then select Tag by Type.
  2. The tag list will be generated automatically. You can click Asset Tags (Type).xlsx to download and preview the list. If the file is empty, then there are no remaining assets in the current OU that need to be tagged with asset types.
  3. Select Start Tagging to start tagging by types.
  4. After tagging is finished, the tagged log will be updated below. You can choose Download to download and view historical tagged logs.

If tagging fails, the error reason will be indicated for each failed asset in the tagging results. You can update the asset information according to the error reason and try again, or you can select Batch Tagging and update the tags manually.

Step 2: Tagging by Manufactures and Models

By tagged by manufactures and models, all assets in this OU will be tagged with their manufactures and model No.s.

  1. Select Business Tag Tool menu in the left navigation bar, then select Tagging by Manufacturer Model.
  2. The tag list is automatically generated. Select Asset Tags (Manufacturer and Model).xlsx to download the file and view the tags to be added. If the file is empty, it means that there are no remaining assets in the current OU that need to be tagged with their manufactures and model.
  3. Select Start Tagging, and the manufacturer and model tags will be added automatically.
  4. After tagging is complete, the tagged log will be updated below. You can choose Download to download and view historical tagged logs.

If tagging fails, the reason for the error will be indicated for each failed asset in the tagging results. You can update the asset information based on the cause of the error and try again, or you can choose Batch Tagging to manually update the key or value of the tags.

Step 3: Tagging by Asset Relations

By tagged by asset relation, all assets in the specified topology will be tagged with their topology relations.

  1. Select Business Tag Tool menu in the left navigation bar, and select Tagging by Asset Relations.
  2. The tag list will be generated automatically. Click Asset Tags (Relationship).xlsx to download the file and view the tags to be added. If the file is empty, it means that there are no assets in the current OU that need to be tagged with topology relations.
  3. Select Start Tagging to automatically add the asset relation tag.
  4. After tagging is complete, the tagged log is updated below. You can select Download to download, download and view the historical tagged log.

If tagging fails, the error reason will be indicated for each failed asset in the tagging results. You can update the asset information based on the reason and try again, or you can choose Batch Tagging to manually update the key or value of the tags.

Step 4: (Optional) Batch Tagging

When tagging by type, manufacturer model, and asset relation, there may be situations where some assets cannot be tagged. You can manually update tags for these assets with batch tagging. Batch tagging is divided into two types: By Default Tags and By Custom Tags.

By Default Tags

By tagging by default tags, you can edit the values of default tags for assets under the specified models.

  1. Select Business Tag Tool menu in the left navigation bar, then select Batch Tag-Default Tags.
  2. Select the model(s) that the assets associated to will be tagged. The maximum number of assets can not exceed 100,000.
  3. Select Regenerate List to generate the batch tagging file.
  4. Select Asset Tags (All).xlsx to download the batch tagging file.
  5. The tags of the specified assets are displayed in the file. You can edit or delete the values of the existing tags. Do not support creating new tags.
  6. Once finished, select Upload to upload the edited batch tagging file and complete batch tagging.
  7. After tagging is complete, the tagged log is updated below. You can select Download to download and view the historical tagged log.

If failed, you can download the error log, update the assets accordingly and try again.

By Customized Tags

To batch add customized tags, under the specified model, you can add the required tag keys and custom values for the assets.

  1. Select Business Tag Tool menu in the left navigation bar, and select Batch Tagging-By customized tag.
  2. Select the model(s) that the for which the linked assets associated will be tagged. The maximum number of assets may not exceed 100,000.
  3. Select Regenerate List to generate the batch tagging file.
  4. Select Asset Tags (Customize).xlsx to download the batch tagging file.
  5. The basic information of the specified asset is displayed in the file. You can add other tag keys in Row 1 of the Excel file as needed, and add tag values in the corresponding columns. Up to 100 tags can be added to an asset.
  6. Once finished, select Upload to upload the edited batch tagging file and complete batch tagging.
  7. After tagging is complete, the tagged log is updated below. You can select Download to download and view the historical tagged log.

If failed, you can download the error log, update the assets accordingly and try again.


After the tags are added, in the Tagging by Type, Manufacturer and Model, and Asset Relations steps, when generating the preview tag list, if the file is empty and there are no assets to tag, this indicates that all the tags in the current OU have been successfully added. At the same time, various asset tags will be synchronized in EnOS Management Console, and other EnOS Industry Application Common Building Blocks will be able to obtain data such as object types, manufacturer and model, and the topological relationships of assets through these tags.