Asset Business Tags

This article introduces the tag keys, values and business meanings added by EnOS Onboarding Tool to assets. Refer to the following instructions to add corresponding tags to assets on Business Tag Tool page, or view and manage the assets using Onboarding Tool tags in EnOS Management Console.

Asset Type Tags

Tag Key Value Example Description
amc_source amc means created by Onboarding Tool. The creator of assets, enter if needed.
amc_classType Site, Device, Component, Group Categorization of assets, such as sites, devices, components, and custom types.
amc_deviceType SolarSite, Inverter Types of assets, such as solar and inverter, which is based on the business object entered in the OU template.
amc_device_deviceType Inverter_component Further division of device types, including device subtypes and component types, which is based on the business object entered in the OU template.

Manufacturer and Model No. Tags

Tag Key Value Example Description
amc_manufacturer ID064 The asset’s manufacturer.
amc_modelNo SG50CX The asset’s model No..

Asset Relationship Tags

Tag Key Value Example Description
amc_assigned t7PCqDUm The identifier of the topology tree to which the asset is assigned.
amc_assetGroup and amc_site_siteId 3Ed9Sa7F The belonged site identifier.
amc_site_siteType SolarSite The belonged site type.
amc_device_deviceId Zwo6w90w The identifier of the device to which the component belongs.

Other Tags

Tag Key Value Example Description
amc_duplicate 2 Indicates the number of times the device/component/custom type asset has been duplicated, and can be used to generate the asset name when the asset is duplicated.
amc_group_original_tree t7PCqDUm For custom type assets created directly on the topology tree, indicates the identifier of the topology tree where the asset was created.
amc_deviceSerialNumber 30001 Original device number customized for the device. When the device needs to be used for Edge connections, the original device number is used to import device measurement points through the all-points list using an Edge connection.
amc_connTpl 7Gd83n3M Indicates the Edge connection assigned to the device that is acting on non-Edge devices.
amc_edge tezQsJXr The Edge device identifier indicating that the device is connected, used for non-Edge devices. A single device can be assigned to multiple Edge devices.
amc_edgeConn om6Mz47M Indicates a device identifier assigned for the Edge device under a certain connection, used for Edge devices.
amc_edge_assigned true / false Indicates whether the Edge device has established a connection, used for Edge devices.