Submitting Sites

EnOS Onboarding Tool allows you to assign different onboarding step operation permissions to each role. When the role of the account completes all steps within its authority, the user needs to submit to the site and then notify the next step operator or complete the site onboarding. After all steps are completed, the status of Site Onboarding page will be updated to Released.


  • The current account has access to Site Onboarding. Contact the application administrator if necessary.
  • Ensure that the current account role has the operation authority for any step on the Site Onboarding page.


  1. Select Site Onboarding in the left navigation bar.
  2. In the corresponding site type tab, select the sites to submit.
  3. On the corresponding step page, select Submit. For example:
    • If the current account only has Configure Site step authority, then on Site Onboarding step page, select Submit.
    • If the current account has Configure Site, Configure Devices, and Build Topology step authority, then on Build Topology step page, select Submit.
    • The only restriction on sites imported through an Excel file is Configure Site authority. After successful import, on Configure Site step page, select Submit. At this time, the imported devices and topology will be subsequently updated on the step page, but they can only be viewed, not edited.
  4. In the notifier pop-up window, select the registered User Email of the current OU as the notifier, or otherwise as required. The recipient will receive the current site step editing status and Remarks (if any) in email format. Once entered, select Submit. If you do not need to notify others, directly select Submit.
    • If you submit the site on the step page before Mapping Points, you can enter the notifier. When the notifier is empty, the system will automatically send email to all users with authority to operate the next step to facilitate faster completion of subsequent steps.
    • If you submit the site on Mapping Points step page, and you can enter the notifier. When the notifier is empty, no email will be sent automatically.
  5. Once submitted, wait for the user with subsequent step authority to continue the site onboarding or complete the site onboarding.


After you select Submit, the site status on Site Onboarding page will be updated from Draft to Released. Normal users can only view connected sites, but cannot edit them. Only users whose account role is super administrator can edit.