Configuring Devices

The Configure Devices step creates devices, components, and groups for the current site. Devices and components are IoT endpoints that can connect to the network and transmit data. They are device assets and need to be created based on models. A group is a collection of devices or components with the same attribute, which means it is a logical asset that can be defined based on models or business logic.

The creation of devices must be done within the site. The devices, components, and groups that can be created in each site type are different. The attributes of each type of device/component/group are different, and are determined by the OU template. If you need to modify these items, please contact your system administrator.

This article describes how to create devices, components, and groups within a site.


  • The current account has access permissions for Site Onboarding menu, as well as permission points related to asset management. Contact the application administrator if necessary.
  • The role of the current account has the permissions for the Configure Devices step. If you need the permissions, contact the application administrator. For more information, see Assigning Onboarding Processes.
  • A site of the required type has been created. For more information, see Configuring Sites.

Creating Devices/Components

There are 3 ways to create devices and components, which are creating new devices/components, duplicating from existing devices/components, and creating devices/components in batches by import Excel files. Choose one of these methods to create a device.

Creating New

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Site Onboarding menu, select the site where the device needs to be created, and enter Configure Devices step page.

  2. Select New Device/Component and select a device/component type in the pop-up. The device/component types that can be created under the site are determined by the OU template.

  3. Enter the type and model of the device/component. After the device is successfully created, information such as type, model, manufacturer, and model cannot be edited.

    • Device Subtype: If a device subtype is configured under the current device type, you need to select a subtype. The options for a device subtype are determined by the device type.
    • Component Type: To create a component, select a component type. To create a device, leave Component Type blank. The types of components that can be created under each device type are different. Some components cannot be created under some device types.
    • Manufacturer: Select the manufacturer of the device/component.
    • Model No.: Select the model No. of the device/component.
    • Model: Displays the linked models based on the manufacturer and model. The model determines the attributes and measurement points of the devices/components. If there is no linked model, contact the system administrator to add a new device/component manufacturer and model to the current OU, or link a model with an existing manufacturer and model.
  4. Selecting Submit will take you to the device/component details page, where you can enter the attributes according to the information on the page.



    If the device will use the all-points list to map the measurement points in the subsequent Map Points step, the Device Source Number is required, which must be consistent with Source Device Number in the all-points list to be imported. If you use the single-model point list, leave Device Source Number blank. For more information, see Mapping Points.


  5. After entering the information, select Save to complete the creation of the new devices/components. If you want to proceed to building the topology, select Next to enter Topology Building.

The newly created device/component will appear on Configure Devices step page.

If you need to configure data other than the basic data for a certain device, you can complete this operation on Onboarding Tool > Device Business Configuration page. For more information, see Setting Device Business Information.

Duplicating from Existing Devices/Components

  1. Select Site Onboarding in the left navigation bar. Select the target site to enter Configure Devices step page.
  2. Select Duplicate btn_duplicate for the target device/component.
  3. After duplicating, this device/component will be automatically created under the current site, after which device/component information such as Type, Model, Manufacturer, and Model cannot be modified.
  4. To modify Name of a device/component and other details, see Editing Devices and Components.

Importing in Batches

  1. Select Site Onboarding in the left navigation bar. Select the target site to enter Configure Devices step page.
  2. Select Import/Update to enter the import page.
  3. Select the import method. You can Import New or Update Existing.
    • Import New: Create new devices/components in import format according to the specified object type and manufacturer model.
      • Select Add to add at least one Object Type and Manufacturer and Model. The selection range is the assigned device/component type under the current site type, which is determined by the OU template.
    • Update Existing: Update existing devices/components, after which the generated file template will contain the attributes and values of existing devices/components in the site. You will only be able to modify existing device/component information, but you will not be able to create new devices/component. Select a basis for generating an import template:
      • Instance: Select Add to add the existing devices/components in the current site as the import basis. The generated template will contain the attributes and values of the selected device/component, and except for the device ID, all other values in the table can be edited.
      • Object Type/Manufacturer/Model No.: Select Add to add a device/component type as the import basis. The attributes and values for that type of device/part will be provided in the generated template. You can Add to add a device/component type as the import basis. The attributes and values for that type of device/component will be provided in the generated template. You can then select Edit btn_edit_gray to edit or Delete btn_delete to delete if desired.
  4. Click Batch Update Template.xlsx to download the template. To modify the basis of the template, you need to select Regenerate and download it again. Devices/components of different manufacturers and models are displayed in different tables in the file template.
  5. After entering attribute values according to the template requirements, select Upload to upload the entered file.
  6. After the upload is successful, select Submit.
    • If the import fails, the page will display Asset Import Failed. Select Download Error Log to view the reason for the import failure. After modifying the template according to the cause of the error, select Reupload, upload the file again and Submit. Note: Before re-uploading the file, you need to clear Failure Reason column in each table, otherwise it will display that the import failed again.
  7. After the import is successful, the log of Last Uploaded File will be updated at the bottom of the page.

You can repeat the above steps to continue to update other types of devices/components, or select Back to Configure Devices to view the updated devices/components in the list.

Creating Groups

There are 2 ways to create groups. You can create a new group manually or duplicate from an existing group.

Creating New

  1. Select Site Onboarding menu in the left navigation bar. After selecting the target site, on Configure Devices step page, select Group tab.
  2. Select New Group select Group Type in the pop-up, after which the linked Model is displayed. The types of groups that can be created and their models are determined by the OU template. Contact the system administrator to modify them.
  3. Select Next and enter the attribute values for the group. The required attributes are determined by the linked model.
  4. When finished, select Submit to complete the new group. You can view the newly created group in the group list on Configure Devices step page.

Duplicating from Existing Groups

  1. On Configure Devices step page, in Group tab, select Duplicate btn_duplicate on the target group.
  2. After duplicating, another group will be automatically created under the current site. Information such as the type and model of this group cannot be modified.

If you need to modify Name and other information of the group, see Editing Groups.