Setting Device Business Information

Device Setting menu is used to configure specific business information for the devices. When onboarding a certain type of device on the Configuring Devices step, only the basic or general information of the device is entered. For other information required by a specific business, Device Setting provides a separate configuration and maintenance capability to resolve the problem of the device models not meeting specific business needs.


  • Ensure the current account has the access permission for Device Setting menu. Contact the application administrator if necessary.
  • Ensure the required devices have been created in the OU. For more information on onboarding devices, see Configuring Devices.


  1. Select Device Setting menu in the left navigation bar.
  2. Select the device for which business information needs to be configured, and select View Settings corresponding to the device. Currently, only devices of Electricity Meter type are supported.
  3. In the pop-up, enter the business information. Different types of devices require different information to be input.
  4. After entering the information, select Submit.


The configured device business information will be synchronized to EnOS Management Console in the form of tags. The format is _setting_<settingId>:<value>, where value is the custom information.