Configuring Common KPI Inquiry

This page describes how application creators configure Common KPI Inquiry to build reports for data inquiry.


Before you start, make sure that:

  • You have been assigned with the required asset permissions, operational permissions, and a menu group containing the Common KPI Inquiry page. If not assigned, contact your application administrators.
  • You have registered the attributes, measurement points, and metrics of target assets in Common Data Service (CDS). For more information, see About EnOS Common Data Service.
  • You have registered dimension types in Common Data Service. For more information, see Registering a Dimension Type.

Configuring Page Functions

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.


    The menu name in your applications might be different from the name in this article, because of the customization on menu names for Unified Monitoring pages. Contact your application administrators for more information.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Common KPI Inquiry page.

  3. Configure the following information in the Function Configuration page.

    Field Description Example
    Asset Granular Specify the scopes available in Asset Granular when configuring the query conditions, including Site, Device Group, and Device. For more information about the asset granular of Common KPI Inquiry, see Configuring Query Conditions.
    Asset Type Specify the asset types available in Asset Type when configuring the query conditions. For more information about the asset type in the Common KPI Inquiry page, see Configuring Query Conditions.
    Display Order The display order of each asset type in Common KPI Inquiry. Asset types can be displayed By Asset Tree Order or By Selection Order. By Asset Tree Order refers to the order of nodes in the Organization Structure of Application Portal. By Selection Order refers to the order you select assets when configuring query conditions.
    Asset Tree Style Specify the style of asset trees in device filters and the Asset Scope section when configuring reports, supporting By Hierarchy or By List. If you select both, a style switching button appears in device filters and the Asset Scope section. By Hierarchy inherits the hierarchical structure of Organization Structure in Application Portal. By List displays the devices in the site by asset type.
    Multi-Site Device Query Allow to query the data of devices in multiple sites. If you want to view the device data reports of multiple sites, you can enable this function and select multiple sites in the Select Asset Scope section when Configuring Query Conditions.
    Query Device Details Allow to configure whether a specific device is displayed in Common KPI Inquiry. If you want to query partial devices in a specific site, you can enable this function and select devices in the Select Asset Scope section when Configuring Query Conditions.
    Visual Grouping on Device Type To display the specified asset types in the Configuration Grouping and Statistics Rules > Asset Type. Enter the visual grouping identifier to display the asset types specified in the visual grouping. For more information, see Configuring Display Fields For example, if only Wind Turbine exists in an visual grouping of the wind domain, enter the identifier of this visual grouping, and only Wind Turbine assets are displayed in Configuration Grouping and Statistics Rules > Asset Type.
    Data Field Group Data category of data fields when you Select Data > Add Data. Enter the key of field groups to categorize data. For more information, see Configuring Display Fields In Select Data > Add Data, the data category is as follows.
    Filter and Sort Allow application users to filter and sort data fields. Enable this function, and application users can select the filter icon i_funnel to filter data that meet the conditions or sort data fields in the reports from smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

  4. Select Publish. In the popup window, enter the description on the Remark text box, and select OK.

Configuring Query Conditions

To enable application users to query the assets and asset data during the specified time period, configure the following information on the Common KPI Inquiry page:

  • Grouping and Statistics Rules: configure the type of assets displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page, and the statistical rules to display responding data fields.
  • Asset Scope: configure the assets displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page.
  • Data: configure the data fields displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page.
  • Time Scope: configure the time interval and time range of the asset data.

Configure the asset, data, and time information displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry by the following steps:

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select More to open the configuration popup window in the Common KPI Inquiry page.

  3. Enter the following information in the Configure Grouping and Statistics Rules.

    Field Description
    Asset Granular Select the query range of Metric Inquiry Reports, supporting Site, Device Group, and Device.
    Asset Type Select the type of assets from the dropdown list in the report. If the type you want to choose are not on the dropdown list, contact the system administrator.
    You can select one asset type for the Device Group and Device Asset Granular, and multiple asset types for the Site Asset Granular.
    Grouping Level Configure the group of columns on the Common KPI Inquiry page, displaying as a new list column.
    Select Add Grouping Level, select the target grouping levels from the popup window, and select OK. If you want to add another grouping level to the popup window, add a Dimension Type in Common Data Service.
    Statistical Method If the grouping level contains different asset dimensions, such as both sites and regions, you can select here how the data are counted, supporting Details to display data for each site or region, and Summary to display the total data of sites or regions.

  4. Select the assets displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page in the Select Asset Scope section. If the Asset Granular is device, you can select the hierarchy button i_type to display the assets by hierarchy or by list to get a clearer view on the current asset scope.

  5. Select the data fields displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page in the Select Data by the following ways:

    • Add a data field: if you want to add a single data field as a column in the report, select Data, select the target data from the popup window, and select OK. The data field displays as a column on the Common KPI Inquiry page.
    • Add a data group: if you want to add data fields with common characteristics or in the same category, select Group. After adding the group, select the name tag of the group you added, enter the group name and select Data to add data fields to the group. An example of the “Loss” data group displays like this.


  6. Select the name tag of data fields and enter the following information.

    Field Description
    Name Enter the name of the data field.
    Unit Enter the unit of the data field.
    Unit Multiplier Adjust the digit number of data when the data is too large or too small. The data displayed on the Common KPI Inquiry page is the product of the unit multiplier and the original data.
    For example, if the original data is 10000 Wh, you can configure the Unit as KWh and the Unit Multiplier as 0.001 to display the data field as 10 KWh on the Common KPI Inquiry page.
    Condition Configure the condition format of this data field.
    Select Add to add a new condition format rule and configure the data range and color of the condition format rule.

  7. In the Select Time Scope, enter the following information.

    Field Description
    Time Interval Select the interval of time for the adjacent data on the Common KPI Inquiry, supporting the intersection of the time intervals of all selected data fields. The interval of a data field is defined by the Interval parameter when registering the data field in Common Data Service.
    Time Range Select the start time and end time of the data on the Common KPI Inquiry page.

  8. Select Apply.

Configuring Filters

You can enable filters on the Common KPI Inquiry page, so that application users can use the enabled filters to quick query the target assets or asset data. Configure the filters on the Common KPI Inquiry page by the following steps:

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Configuration i_config.

  3. In the Filter Configuration section, select to enable the following filters:

    Filter Description
    Asset Filter Select the assets displayed on the page.
    Grouping Level Filter Filter assets by grouping level.
    Time Filter Specify the start time and end time of asset data on the page.
    Data Filter Select the data fields displayed on the page.

  4. Select Save.

Managing Report Templates

The templates of Common KPI Inquiry contains multiple configuration items such as:

  • Asset granular and asset type
  • Grouping level
  • Statistics rules and aggregation methods
  • Data fields and the display order of data fields
  • Time interval and range

Enabling the Template Function

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Configuration i_config.
  3. Select Yes in the Function Configuration > Template section.
  4. Select the Card or Drop Down style for the template panel in the Function Configuration > Template Menu Style.
  5. Select Save.

  • The “Card” style displays as below.


  • The “Drop Down” style displays as below.


Saving or Updating a Template

Save the current report configuration as a template or update the configuration of an existing template by the following steps:

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.

  2. Hover over the setting button i_setting and select Save Template from the dropdown list.

  3. Enter the following information on the popup window.

    Field Description
    Template Name Enter the name of the template.
    Template Description Enter the description of the template.
    Template Category Select a category to which the template belongs.
    Template Type Select OU Template if you want share the template to all users of the current OU. Select My Template and only you can use the template.
    Save as OU Default View Display the template as the Metric Inquiry Report when opening the Common KPI Inquiry page.

  4. Select OK.

Saving the Modified Template as a New Template

If you have applied a template to the current page and modified the template configuration, save the modified template as a new template by the following steps:

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.

  2. Hover over the setting button i_setting and select Save as Template from the dropdown list.

  3. Enter the following information on the popup window.

    Field Description
    Template Name Enter the name of the template.
    Template Description Enter the description of the template.
    Template Category Select a category to which the template belongs.
    Template Type Select OU Template if you want share the template to all users of the current OU. Select My Template and only you can use the template.
    Save as OU Default View Display the template as the Metric Inquiry Report when opening the Common KPI Inquiry page.

  4. Select OK.

Editing a Template

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates to open the template panel from the top left corner.
  3. Hover over the card (for the “Card” style) or the name tag (for the “Drop Down” style) of the target template and select the edit icon i_edit_t.
  4. Edit the name, description, and category of the template in the popup window and select OK.

Deleting a Template

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates to open the template panel from the top left corner.
  3. Hover over the card (for the “Card” style) or the name tag (for the “Drop Down” style) of the target template and select the delete icon i_remove.
  4. Select OK in the popup window.

Managing Template Categories

You can use template categories to classify and manage templates according to information such as scenarios, objects, and time range.

Creating a Category

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates.
  3. Select the edit icon i_pen to open the Category Configuration popup window.
  4. Select Add and enter a category name. After you create a category, you can add the template to a template category when Saving or Updating a Template, Saving the Modified Template as a New Template or Editing a Template.

Editing a Category

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates.
  3. Select the edit icon i_pen to open the category configuration popup window.
  4. Select the Template Category tab and edit the template name.

Sorting Categories

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates.
  3. Select the edit icon i_pen to open the category configuration popup window.
  4. Drag the sorting icon next to the Category tab to edit the display order of each category in the template panel.

Deleting a Category

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Templates.
  3. Select the edit icon i_pen to open the category configuration popup window.
  4. Select the delete icon i_x to the right of the Category tab.

Restoring History Versions

You can view the information about history versions such as version numbers, the users to publish versions, the publishing time of versions, and publishing remarks.If you want to use a history version of Common KPI Inquiry, restore the version by the following steps:

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Common KPI Inquiry page.
  3. Select History Version to open the history version list.
  4. Locate the target history version and select Restore.
  5. Select OK in the popup window.

Importing or Exporting Pages

You can export the following contents of Common KPI Inquiry in JSON format and import the JSON file to migrate and reuse the configured page:

  • Page function configuration
  • Asset and data field configuration

Exporting Page Configuration

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Common KPI Inquiry page.
  3. Select Import/Export > Export, and the configuration file will be downloaded automatically.

Importing Page Configuration

  1. Select Common KPI Inquiry from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Common KPI Inquiry page.
  3. Select Import/Export > Import.
  4. Upload the configuration file in the popup window and select OK.

Configuring URL Parameters

Besides the configuration above, application creators can enable or disable more functions by configuring the parameters of the URL. For more information, see URL Parameters.