URL Parameter Reference

When configuring the menus of Unified Monitoring pages, application creators can configure the functions or styles of the page by configuring the parameters in menu URL addresses. The page describes the parameters of the URL addresses for each Unified Monitoring module.

URL Parameter Format

URL parameters appear in URLs by the following formats:

  • For Portfolio, Asset List, Charting Tool, and Common KPI Inquiry, the format of URL parameters is ?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2.
  • For Landing Page, the format of URL parameters contains the following parts:
    • For the parameter referring to Digital Twin Visualization (DTV) page: ?dt={URL generated by publishing DTV page}. This parameter is required in Landing Page URL.
    • For other Landing Page URL parameters: "parameter1":"value1","parameter2":[{"subparameter1":"subvalue1","subparameter2":"subvalue2"}, {"subparameter3":"subvalue3","subparameter4":"subvalue4"}].

Portfolio Parameter

The URL of a Portfolio page is /encompass-monitor-hmi/#/portfolio/runtime by default. You can add supported parameters before the #. For example, add solarSiteEnlightIframe and set the valuye as true, and the configured URL will be /encompass-monitor-hmi/?solarSiteEnlightIframe=true#/portfolio/runtime. Portfolio supports the following URL parameters.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
disablePageJump Optional
  • The function to open specified URLs by selecting asset icons in asset maps.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
defaultNodeId Optional
  • The asset of which the information displayed on the Portfolio page by default.
  • Enter an asset ID as the parameter value.
assetSticky Optional
  • The function to display the last visited asset information when opening the Portfolio page.
  • Enter solar to enable this function, or leave the value blank to disable this function.

Asset List Parameter

The URL of an Asset List URL is /encompass-monitor-hmi/#/asset-list by default. You can add supported parameters before the #. For example, add timeTypes and siteTypes, then set realtime and EnOS_Solar_Site as the parameter values, and the configured URL will be /encompass-monitor-hmi/?timeTypes=realtime&siteTypes=EnOS_Wind_Farm,EnOS_Solar_Site#/asset-list. Asset List supports the following URL parameters.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
assetScope Optional
  • The type of Asset List.
  • Enter device for device list, site for site list, or region for region list.
timeTypes Optional
  • The supported data type of Asset List.
  • Enter history for historical data, realtime for real-time data, or realtime_history for both historical and real-time data.
layoutTypes Optional
  • The supported layout style of Asset List.
  • Enter table for list style, block for card style, and table,block for both list and card styles.
siteTypes Optional
  • The asset type and order displayed in Asset List.
  • Enter the IDs of asset types separated by commas(,).
enableBlockChart Optional
  • The function to display data charts in the card style of Asset List.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
siteTypes Optional
  • The supported site type of a site list. All site types in the current OU are supported by default.
  • Enter the IDs of site types separated by commas(,).
deviceTypes Optional
  • The supported device type of a device list. All device types are supported by default.
  • Enter the IDs of device types separated by commas(,).
filterByDomain Optional
  • The function to display domain or type name on the site type filter.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
srTypes Optional
  • The device types that support sending Service Request (SR). No device type supports this function by default.
  • Enter the IDs of device types separated by commas(,).
controlTypes Optional
  • The device types that supports batch control. No device type supports this function by default.
  • Enter the IDs of device types separated by commas(,).
controlMaxNum Optional
  • The maximum number of devices that can be controlled at a single time.
  • Enter an integer as the parameter value.
showDeviceHierarchy Optional
  • The function to display hierarchical asset filter.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
showTime Optional
  • The function to display the current time and last updated time on the bottom of the Asset List pages.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
assetSticky Optional
  • The function to display the last visited asset information when opening the Portfolio page.
  • Enter solar to enable this function, or leave the value blank to disable this function.
filterByDomain Optional
  • The function to filter sites by domain or by asset tree nodes in site filters.
  • Enter true to filter by domain, or false to filter by asset tree nodes.
summaryPosition Optional
  • The position of the summary row.
  • Enter bottom to display the summary row at the bottom of the list, top to display the summary row at the top of the list, or false to hide the summary row.
showSummaryTitle Optional
  • The function to display the title of the summary row, such as sum or formula.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
state Optional
  • The default view displayed when application users opens the Asset List page.
  • Including the following sub-parameters defaultSiteTypes, defaultDeviceType, nodeIds, deviceNodeIds, cardFilter, showFilter. Each sub-parameter appears as a key-value pair, and is separated by &. For example: state=defaultSiteTypes%3D{mdmType}%26nodeIds%3D{nodeId}%26cardFilter%3DGenSiteState*2.
defaultSiteTypes Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state. The displayed site types by default.
  • Enter the IDs of site types separated by commas(,).
defaultDeviceType Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state. The displayed device types by default.
  • Enter the IDs of device types separated by commas(,).
nodeIds Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state. The displayed assets by default.
  • Enter the IDs of assets separated by commas(,).
deviceNodeIds Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state. The displayed device by default, only affective when showDeviceHierarchy is true.
  • Enter the IDs of devices separated by commas(,).
cardFilter Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state, appearing as key-value pairs. The filter conditions applied be default.
  • Enter key for the ID of a data field, value for the data, and separated the key and value by an asterisk “*”. For example, GenActivePower*<2 represents selecting sites with less than 2KW active power by default.
showFilter Optional
  • A sub-parameter of state. The filters supported by the Asset List page.
  • Enter siteType for site type filter, site for site filter, deviceType for device type filter, deviceTopology for device filter by hierarchy, timeRange for time range filter none for no filters supported and leave the value blank for all filters.

Charting Tool Parameter

The URL of a Charting Tool URL is /encompass-monitor-hmi/#/charting-tool by default. You can add supported parameters before the #. For example, add openRaw as true, and the configured URL will be /encompass-monitor-hmi/?openRaw=true#/charting-tool. Charting Tool supports the following URL parameters.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
openRaw Optional
  • The function to set the time interval as raw, which is the interval specified in Common Data Service when registering data fields.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
deviceTreeTypes Optional
  • The asset tree styles supported by Charting Tool.
  • Enter flat to display asset trees by list, hierarchy to display asset trees by hierarchy, or enter both flat and hierarchy and separate by a comma (,) to support both styles and display the first style by default.
siteTypes Optional
  • The asset type and order displayed in Charting Tool.
  • Enter the IDs of asset types separated by commas(,).

Common KPI Inquiry Parameter

The URL of a Common KPI Inquiry URL is /encompass-monitor-hmi/#/metric-tool by default. You can add supported parameters before the #. For example, add subjects as site, and the configured URL will be /encompass-monitor-hmi/?subjects=site#/metric-tool. Common KPI Inquiry supports the following URL parameters.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
subjects Optional
  • The asset types supported by the Common KPI Inquiry page, which affects the items in the Asset Granular dropdown list.
  • Enter device, site, deviceGroup or multiple items separated by commas (,). If you enter multiple items, the first item displays on the page by default.
checkableSiteTypes Optional
  • The domains supporting comparison on devices in multiple sites.
  • Enter the IDs of asset types separated by commas(,).
siteTypes Optional
  • The asset type and order displayed in Common KPI Inquiry.
  • Enter the IDs of asset types separated by commas(,).
orderType Optional
  • Specify the display order of assets on the Common KPI Inquiry.
  • Enter default to display sites in order of asset tree nodes and device groups or devices in alphabetical order, or input to display in custom order.
deviceTreeTypes Optional
  • The asset tree styles supported by Common KPI Inquiry.
  • Enter flat to display asset trees by list, hierarchy to display asset trees by hierarchy, or enter both flat and hierarchy and separate by a comma (,) to support both styles and display the first style by default.
bigDataMdmTypes Optional
  • The device types supporting “Select All” function when querying relevant data, suitable for scenarios with massive devices.
  • Enter the IDs of device types separated by commas(,).
groupKey Optional
  • The function to enable configured business object groups.
  • Enter Metric_Tool to enable this function, or leave the value blank to disable this function.

Landing Page Parameter

The URL of a Common KPI Inquiry URL is /encom-landing-page/?url=&landingpage={} by default.

A typical Landing Page URL is shown as below.

/encom-landing-page/?url=/dt/encompass/page/2c3e40eb-821d-4224-bae2&landingpage={"theme": "dark","welcome":true, "dtvOptions":{},"filters":[{"type":"asset","siteTypes":"EnOS_Wind_Farm,EnOS_Solar_Site","checkable":true,"aggTypes": "region","show":false}, {"type":"time","format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss","range":true,"showRange":true,"showInterval":true,"showShortcut":true}]}

The parameter value of url in the example above is /dt/encompass/page/2c3e40eb-821d-4224-bae2. Landing Page supports the following URL parameters.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
url Optional The URL generated when you publish Digital Twin Visualization pages.
welcome Optional
  • The function to display greetings on Landing Page.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
theme Optional
  • The theme of Landing Page
  • Enter dark for dark theme, or workbench to follow the current theme of Application Portal.
title Optional
  • The title of Landing Page.
  • Enter texts or the ${nodeName} parameter to represent the current site or region.
dtvOptions Optional
  • The tag of Digital Twin Visualization widget templates. Landing Page synchronize the widget templates with the tags specified here from Digital Twin Visualization.
  • Enter the tag of Digital Twin Visualization widgets or leave the value blank if you don’t want to synchronize widget templates from Digital Twin Visualization.
controlOptions Optional
  • The function to integrate control panel of Fleet Control.
  • Enter “show”: false to disable this function, or {} to enable this function.
filters Required The filters in Landing Page, in the form of an array containing multiple sub-parameters.
type Required
  • A sub-parameter of filters. The type of filters.
  • Enter asset for asset filter, or time for time filter. The two filters can be enabled at the same time, but the available parameters are different. See Asset Filter Parameters and Time Filter Parameters for details.

Asset Filter Parameters

When the "type":"asset" is specified in the filters parameter, the following sub-parameters can be configured for the filters parameter.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
siteTypes Optional
  • The types of sites displayed in the dropdown list of an asset filter, supporting all types in the current OU by default.
  • Enter the IDs of site types, which are the mdmType values in EnOS Common Data Service. Separate multiple identifiers with commas(,).
checkable Optional
  • The function to enable multi selection for sites in the dropdown list of filters. Default is false.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
aggTypes Optional
  • The asset hierarchy of the current asset tree. Default is site scope.
  • Enter site for site scope, or region for region scope.
groupLevelVisible Optional
  • The function to display group. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
deviceTypes Optional
  • The types of devices displayed in the dropdown list of an asset filter. Default is all the device types.
  • Enter the IDs of device types, which are the mdmType values in EnOS Common Data Service. Separate multiple identifiers with commas(,).
deviceCheckable Optional
  • The function to select multiple devices. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
deviceTreeType Optional
  • The display style of asset tree. Default is by list.
  • Enter flat to display asset trees by list, hierarchy to display asset trees by hierarchy.
assetSticky Optional
  • The function to display the last visited asset information when opening the Landing Page. Default is disabled.
  • Enter solar to enable this function, or leave the value blank to disable this function.
show Optional
  • The function to display asset filters. Default is enabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
deviceShow Optional
  • The function to display device filters. Default is enabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
defaultNodeIds Optional
  • The asset selected by default.
  • Enter an asset ID to select a specific asset, _first_ to select the first asset in the current asset tree, or leave the value blank to select all assets in the current asset tree.
deviceSortAttribute Optional The attributes and their order displayed on the device filters.Default is disabled.
assetTypeVisible Optional
  • The function to display asset type filters. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
deviceTypeVisible Optional
  • The function to display device type filters. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.

Time Filter Parameters

When the "type":"time" is specified in the filters parameter, the following sub-parameters can be configured for the filters parameter.

Parameter Required/Optional Description
format Required
  • The format of time.
  • Enter YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD.
showRange Optional
  • The method of time selection, supporting selecting by time periods or time points. Default is time points.
  • Enter true for selecting by time periods, or false for selecting by time points.
showShortcut Optional
  • The function to display shortcut buttons for time selection. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
showInterval Optional
  • The function to display time interval filter. Default is disabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
defaultInterval Optional
  • The default selected time interval. Default is D.
  • Enter D (for daily), M (for monthly), or Y (for yearly).
intervalSelect Optional
  • The options for the time interval filter, which will take effect when the value of showInterval is true. By default, it provides 3 options: D, M, and Y.
  • Enter any one or more of the following options: D (for daily), M (for monthly), and Y (for yearly).
timeRange Optional
  • The function to display time point filter.Default is enabled.
  • Enter true to enable this function, or false to disable this function.
defaultShortcut Optional
  • The shortcut buttons for time period selected by default.
  • Enter YDA for yesterday, WTD for this week, 7d for the last 7 days, MTD for this month, 30d for the last 30 days, QTD for this quarter, 6m for the last 6 months, 12m for the last 12 months, YTD for this year, 3y for the last 3 years.
minStartTime Optional
  • The earliest time displayed in time filters by days.
  • For example, enter “-90d” to set the earliest time supported as 90 days before.
maxEndTime Optional
  • The latest time displayed in time filters by days.
  • For example, enter “+0d” to set the latest time supported as today.

Landing Page Output Parameters

To make sure application users can use filters in Landing Page, you need to add global filters in Digital Twin Visualization and enter the following values as the Keys of filters. For more information, see Adding Global Filters.

Key Prerequisite Description
nodeName Asset filter is enabled. The name of the selected node.
siteIds Asset filter is enabled. The site ID of the selected organization structure node.
allGroupMdmIds Asset filter by region or site is enabled. The summarized data of the selected regions or sites.
groupMdmIds Asset filter by region or site is enabled. The data of each selected region or site.
mdmIdsByRegion Asset filter by region or site is enabled. The data of the selected sites in each region.
mdmIdsByType Asset filter by region or site is enabled. The data of selected sites in each asset type.
{type}GroupMdmIds Asset filter by region or site is enabled.
  • The summarized site data of the selected asset types
  • {type} refers to asset types. For example, EnOS_Wind_FarmMdmIdsByRegion refers to the summarized data of the selected wind sites.
deviceIds Asset filter by device or site is enabled. The selected device.
mdmId Asset filter is enabled. The selected devices or sites.
startTime Time filter is enabled. The start time of time filters.
endTime Time filter is enabled. The end time of time filters
startOfMonth Time filter is enabled. The first second in the month specified by startTime.
endOfMonth Time filter is enabled. The last second in the month specified by endTime.
startOfYear Time filter is enabled. The first second in the year specified by startTime.
endOfYear Time filter is enabled. The last second in the year specified by endTime.
interval Time filter is enabled. The interval of the selected time range, supporting day (D), month (M), and year (Y).
appId / The appId of the current page in Application Portal.
menuCode / The menuCode of the current page in Application Portal.