Application Scenarios

EnOS Unified Monitoring can be applied to the following scenarios.

Cross-Domain Monitoring and Analysis

Application creators can define common monitoring logics to analyze and monitor assets in multiple domains in Unified Monitoring, build multi-domain monitoring pages, and reuse pages in new domains based on the existing domain know-hows. For example:

  • In Portfolio, application creators can configure asset maps and visualized widgets for multiple domains in one page, and reuse the Portfolio page by exporting the configuration file into another Portfolio page. Application users can either generally monitor assets in all domains, regions, or types, or switch to a specified domain or region to monitor key assets. For more information, see Portfolio.
  • In Asset List, application users can view the summary or rank of the data on measurement points and metrics of assets in multiple domains, and filter assets and abnormal data by configuring metric cards. For more information, see Asset List.

Massive Devices and Data Monitoring

To monitor massive assets in multiple layers, application creators can configure visualized reports and charts in Unified Monitoring and integrate reports and charts into one application for a stable experience on massive device amd data monitoring scenario. For example:

  • Application users can view reports in the Common KPI Inquiry module to analyze massive asset data, filter abnormal data, and locate assets with faults. For more information, see Common KPI Inquiry.
  • Application users can also view asset data charts in the Charting tool module to acknowledge data trends and analyze key data to keep track of the running status of assets. For more information, see Charting Tool.