Creating Silence Rules

To avoid generating a large number of alert events when deploying an upgrade, you can configure silence rules in advance. Notifications are not generated when a silence rule is currently in effect.


Before you start, make sure that the user account has been assigned the required permissions. If you need to be assigned, please contact the Organization Admin.


You can create silence rules with the following steps.

  1. Log in to the EOC and select Alerts > Silence in the left navigation bar.

  2. Click New Silence on the silence page to complete the configuration of the silence rules.

    • Name: Required, enter the name of the silence rule, it can be up to 64 characters including English case, numbers and special characters ( - , _ , . ).

    • Description: Optional, enter a description of the silence rule with a maximum of 512 characters.

    • Business Topology: Required, select the range to be silenced.

    • Time Period: Required, select the start date and end date of silence.


      When a new silence rule has met its start time, the silence takes effect.

  3. Click Submit.


After the alert silence is successfully created, you can view the details in the silence list and do the following operations.