EnOS Operation


Features marked with “(Preview)” are selective opt-in features that are ready for you to test and evaluate but not recommended for production use. Contact your sales representative if you are interested in a Preview feature.

Enterprise Operation Center (EOC) reaches general availability (GA) in EnOS 2.4. EOC provides an one-stop operation and maintenance experience for O&M staff, it ensures the business system stability, simplifies the daily process, improves the O&M efficiency as well as reduces the cost. Major features includes:

  • Assets: provides a multi-layer asset management system based on business topology to help O&M staff sort and manage assets in a business-oriented manner.
  • Alerts: provides a multi-dimensional monitoring of the availability and reliability of infrastructure, middleware and containerized environment. Quickly capture and trace abnormal data through custom configuration of alert rules, and fully grasp the real-time operation status of applications, resources and business.

For more information, see Enterprise Operation Center.