What’s Changed in 2.4?

EnOS 2.4 introduces the following behavioral changes.

Application Enablement

In EnOS 2.4, Application Enablement includes the following function changes.

Application Portal

Service / Function Before After Impact
The order of language lists when switching languages or entering internationalized contents English, simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish Simplified Chinese, English, Spanish, Japanese None
Naming rules of organization structure nodes Nodes in different organization structures cannot have the same names. Nodes in different organization structures can have the same names. None
Tag value length of organization structure nodes Up to 64 characters Up to 256 characters None
Email domain format Supporting 2-part domains with letters, dashes(-), and underlines(_) Supporting 2 or more parts in email domains with letters, dashes(-), underlines(_) and asterisks(*) None

Digital Twin Visualization

Service / Function Before After Impact
Page Card Show all Settings, Publish, Move, and Delete operation buttons. Integrated Settings, Publish, Move, and Delete into Actions button. None
Topology Widget Expand to show all nodes. By default, only the first three layers including the root node are displayed, the rest are hidden but can be expanded. None

Device Connectivity & Management

In EnOS 2.4, Device Connectivity & Management includes the following name and function changes.

Product/Service Name Changes

In EnOS 2.4, Device Connectivity & Management and Alert Engine in Device Connectivity & Management include the following name changes.

Before After
IoT Hub Device Connectivity & Management
IoT Hub > Alert Service Device Connectivity & Management > Alert Engine

Function Changes

In EnOS 2.4, Device Connectivity & Management and Alert Engine in Device Connectivity & Management include the following function changes.

Device Connectivity & Management

Service / Function Before After Impact
Certificate Management System administrators can only view Certificate Signing Request (CSR) details and revoke CSRs. Added features where system administrators can create, edit, roll back, delete certificates and configure and publish certificate configuration changes. None
Permission control for Model service In EnOS Management Console > Identity and Access Management > Policy, the Model Management Service had read and full access permissions. The Model Management Service is renamed to Model and full access is replaced with create, update, and delete permissions for more fine-grained control. None
Permission control for Asset Tree service In EnOS Management Console > Identity and Access Management > Policy, the service for asset tree is Asset Tree Management Service. The Asset Tree Management Service is renamed to Asset Tree. None
Permission control When you have the access to the menus related to Model/Product/Device Assets/Logical Assets/Asset Trees/OTA Jobs, you can view the resources. In addition to the menu accesses, you need to obtain the Read permission for the service resource to view the resources. None
  • Description: Max 100 characters
  • Tags: Max 50 tags per model
  • Description: Max 512 characters
  • Tags: Max 100 tags per model
  • Description: Max 100 characters
  • Tags: Max 50 tags per product
  • Export: Max 10,000 products
  • Description: Max 512 characters
  • Tags: Max 100 tags per product
  • Export: Max 1,000 products
  • Description: Max 100 characters
  • Tags: Max 50 tags per device
  • Description: Max 512 characters
  • Tags: Max 100 tags per device
Firmware OTA Description: Max 100 characters Description: Max 512 characters None
Logical Assets
  • Description: Max 100 characters
  • Tags: Max 50 tags per device
  • Description: Max 512 characters
  • Tags: Max 100 tags per device
Asset Trees Tags: Max 50 per asset tree Tags: Max 100 per asset tree None
General Service Schedule delay of the scheduled tasks(such as delayed triggering of alerts) can reach more than 1 minute The delay is at the millisecond level None

Alert Engine

Service/Function Before After
Service Name Alert Service Alert Engine
Alert Trigger Delay Support inputting 0 or an integer between 60-86400. Support inputting 0 or an integer between 30-86400.
Alert Condition Support constructing an expression as the alert condition using a combination of triggers, time window functions, and operators. Support constructing an expression as the alert condition using a combination of triggers, time window functions, attributes, and operators.
Trigger Select one item in the Scope drop-down list as the valid range of the trigger. Select Asset Tree in the Scope drop-down list and can select more than one asset in the pop-up window.
Alert Records Support searching up to 10000 alert records. Support searching more than 10000 alert records.

Data Management and Analytics

In EnOS 2.4, Data Management and Analytics includes the following category, name and function changes.

Product/Module Category and Name Changes

In EnOS 2.4, we reclassified the Data Management and Analytics menu. Data Management and Analytics is divided into Data Integration, Data Management, and Data Analysis. The changes are listed below.

Before After
IoT Hub > Device Integration Service Data Integration > Device Data Integration Service
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Integration > Data Source Registration
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Integration > Data Synchronization
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Governance Data Management > Data Catalog
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Governance Data Management > Data Federation
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Management > Stream Processing
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Management > Batch Data Processing
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Management > Time Series Data Management
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Management > Data Subscription
Enterprise Data Platform > Data Factory Data Management > Data Archiving
Enterprise Analytics Platform > Machine Intelligence Studio > MI Lab Data Analytics > AI Studio > AI Lab
Enterprise Analytics Platform > Machine Intelligence Studio > MI Hub Data Analytics > AI Studio > AI Hub
Enterprise Analytics Platform > Machine Intelligence Studio > MI Pipelines Data Analytics > AI Studio > AI Pipelines

Function Changes

In EnOS 2.4, some products/modules in Data Management and Analytics include the following function changes.

Data Integration

In EnOS 2.4, Device Data Integration Service in Data Integration includes the following function changes.

Device Data Integration Service

Service / Function Before After Impact
Update Device Status Available duration range was from 30 to 86,400 seconds. Available duration range is changed to 30 to 86,400 seconds. The actual offline status might be delayed by about 5 minutes. None.
Upload Measurement Point The node did not output any message but stored the measurement point data as configured. The output is the measurement point data. Data of multiple measurement points can be combined by the Combine node if required.
HTTP Client The available timeout period was between 1,000 – 60,000 milliseconds. The min timeout available is 1,000 milliseconds with no max limit. None.
AWS S3 The file downloaded had no size limit but CSV format only. All the format file can be downloaded but the max size is 100M. None.
CSV The max CSV size of the file processed was 100M. The max CSV size of the processed file is dependent on the Process. 100M for Line by line and 10M for Entire file. None.
YBSoftware eDOS The max file size for config file upload was 1M. The max file size is 16M. None.
Lookup Mapping The max mapping file size was 2M. The max mapping file size is 16M. None.
SFTP Client The max download/upload file size was 100M. The max download file size is 100M. There is no longer any upload limit. The max private key file size is 1M. None.
Upload Asset File The max size for asset files associated with measurement points was 200M. No file size limit. None.
Split The output was String or JSON. The output is JSON only. None.
Subflow Subflow supported only 0/1 exit points. Subflow supports at most 50 exit points. An output node will be automatically added to the subflow with every exit point addition. The flow needs to be designed again every time the number of exit points increase with the addition of the output node.
Server Configurations When monitoring runtime status of a server in Server Configurations, a pop-up window showed a graph of the server’s CPU and memory usage as well as its number of connections and messages for the past hour. The pop-up window will show a graph of the server’s CPU/memory usage for the past hour, dequeued/enqueued messages for the past 24 hours as well as subscription topics. None.
Server Configurations The max amount and period of cached data for MQTT server and the max number of MQTT server connections has no limit.
  • Max amount of cached data for MQTT server: 1GB
  • Max period of cached data for MQTT server: 10 minutes
  • Max number of MQTT server connections: 1,000
You can use the File node to download data to local if required. If the number of MQTT server connections exceeds 1,000, you can add MQTT server Instance to add the server connections.
File storage The storage of downloaded file has no limit.
  • Max storage of the files downloaded from servers to DIS: 12GB
  • Max period of storage: 30 days
You can use the File node to download files to local in advance if required.

Data Management

In EnOS 2.4, Data Catalog in Data Management includes the following function changes.

Data Catalog

Service / Function Before After Impact
Metadata Object Type 4 metadata object types are supported, including Measurement, Hive Table, DTV Service, and FileSet 5 metadata object types are supported, including Measurement, Hive Table, Metrics, MysqlTable and FileSet None
Object Type Attributes added by manual can be configured to object types Attributes added by manual and standard attributes can be configured to object types None

Data Analytics

In EnOS 2.4, some products/modules in Data Analytics include the following function changes.

AI Pipelines

Name Change
Before After Impact
Program operators Process operators None
Dataset Management

Service / Function Before After Impact
Dataset creation from APIM Select New Dataset > Created from APIM in Dataset Management. Create an APIM data source in Resource Configuration > Connection Config, then select the APIM data source when creating a dataset by New Dataset > Create from Data Resource in Dataset Management. None
Resource Configuration

Service / Function Before After Impact
PVC Access Mode 3 Modes: RWX(ReadWriteMany), ROX(ReadOnlyMany), and RWO(ReadWriteOnly). 2 Modes: Exclusive and Shared. None

EnOS Administration

In EnOS 2.4, EnOS Administration includes the following function changes.

Resource Management

In EnOS 2.4, some category and resources in Resource Management are renamed.

Category Name Change
Before After Impact
IoT Hub Device Connectivity & Management None
Enterprise Data Platform Data Management None
Enterprise Analytics Platform Data Analytics None
Enterprise Container Platform Application Development None

Resource Name Change
Before After Impact
Device Integration Data Integration None
ML Model - Container AI - Container None

Identity and Access Management

In EnOS 2.4, some services/functions in Identity and Access Management include the following name and permission changes.

Service / Function Before After Impact
  • Service name: Model Management Service
  • Permissions: Read and full access
  • Service name: Model
  • Permissions: Read, create, update, and delete
Asset Tree Service name: Asset Tree Management Service Service name: Asset Tree None

Auditing Service

In EnOS 2.4, some audit event types in Auditing Service are renamed.

Name Change
Before After Impact
Identity And Authorization Identity and Access Management None
SSO Single Sign-On None
Data Archiving Service Data Archiving None
Subscription Service Data Subscription None
IoT Hub Device Connectivity & Management None
APIM API Management None
Model Hub AI Hub None
ML Pipeline AI Pipeline None
Model Dev AI Lab None
Storage Management Resource Configuration None
Device Integration Service Device Data Integration Service None
Batch Process Service Batch Data Processing None
Data Synchronization Service Data Synchronization None
MenuManagement EnOS Management Console None
DTV Digital Twin visualization None