EnOS Administration


Features marked with “(Preview)” are selective opt-in features that are ready for you to test and evaluate but not recommended for production use. Contact your sales representative if you are interested in a Preview feature.

In EnOS 2.4, we added new features for Identity and Access Management, Application Registration, Metering, and Auditing Services.

EnOS Management Console


EnOS Management Console is best experienced with Chrome (latest versions).

Identity and Access Management

  • Added fine-grained RBAC permission control for the following Device Connectivity & Management resources in Policy.
    • Product: create, read, update, and delete products.
    • Certificate: apply, revoke, renew, and read certificates.
    • OTA: read, create, update, delete firmware and read, create, control, and delete OTA jobs.
  • Added the following policies in Policy.
    • Device Management Read-Only: users, user groups, service accounts granted with this policy have the permissions to view the devices, products, firmware, and device certificates in the OU.
    • Model Read-Only: users, user groups, service accounts granted with this policy have the permissions to export and view models in the OU.

Application Registration

  • Added the ability for system administrators to quickly view an environment’s application registration and purchase record details, such as the application’s name, organization name, etc.
  • Added the ability to search for Application Registration’s audit logs in the Audit service.


Added Notification Management to the list of services to enable the viewing and statistics of the specific usage of SMS and Emails sent through EnOS Notification Management.

Auditing Service

  • Added description in Device Data Integration Service audit logs to enable users to view the flow change log which includes adding and deleting of nodes, configuration changes, script changes, etc.
  • Added audit log query for the following modules.
    • AI Analytics Suite
    • Load Forecasting
    • Application Registration
    • Device Provisioning Service
    • Metric Management
    • Common Data Service