Common Resource

We added support of connection to several data sources and requesting for new resources. Details are as follows:

Data Connection

  • In EnOS 2.1 Release, we added support of registering PostgreSQL data connection. Before synchronizing data from EnOS Hive to an external PostgreSQL datanbase with data integration, you need to register the data connection for the target PostgreSQL database.
  • Added support of registering Redis data connection.
  • Added support of registering GitLab data source. When using the Jupyter Notebook in data explorer, you can save your code and notebook in the registered GitLab repository, achieving version control of your scripts.
  • Added support for network connection testing for configured data source connection, improving the efficiency of data source configuration.

For more information, see Data Source Registration.

Resource Management

  • In EnOS 2.1 Release, we added support of requesting data archiving resource, which is compatible with the enhancement to Data Archiving. Before configuring data archiving jobs, you need to request data archiving resource based on your business needs. The following resource specifications are available:
    • Standard: Able to archive 5,000 records/second
    • Standard X 2: Able to archive 10,000 records/second
    • Standard X 4: Able to archive 20,000 records/second
    • Standard X 8: Able to archive 40,000 records/second
  • In EnOS 2.1 Release, we added support of requesting data explorer sandbox resource, which is compatible with the enhancement to EnOS Data Explorer. Before using data explorer for data processing, analysis, and visualization, you need to request data explorer sandbox resource based on your business needs.
  • Added support of HDFS storage type to store archived files. To use the HDFS storage, you need to request the file storage HDFS resource through Resource Management.

For more information, see Resource Management on EnOS.