What’s Changed?

EnOS 2.1 Release introduces the following behavioral changes.


For details of changed APIs, log into the EnOS Management Console and click EnOS API > Release Notes from the navigation menu.

Model Service

API What’s Changed
Search Thing Model The field tags in the expression supports arithmetic operators “exists” and “not exists”.

Connection Service

API What’s Changed
Get Device 4 new parameters are supported in Device struct to indicates the latest time when a device was updated: measurepointLastUpdate, eventLastUpdate, attributeLastUpdate and featureLastUpdate.
Search Device A new field deviceTags is supported in expression.
Search Product A new field deviceTags is supported in expression.

Alert Service

API What’s Changed
Create Alert Rule A new parameter triggeringDelayTimer is supported in request body to indicate the time of delaying the alert triggering.
Search Active Alert
  • The response parameter value in the ActiveAlert struct supports recording the measurement point value when triggeringDelayTimer starts counting.
  • The field tag in the expression supports arithmetic operators “exists” and “not exists”.
Search Alert Rule A new parameter triggeringDelayTimer is supported in AlertRule struct to indicate the time of delaying the alert triggering.
Search History Alert
  • The function is changed to query historical alarms in the last three months. The response parameter value in the HistoryAlert struct supports recording the measurement point value when triggeringDelayTimer starts counting.
  • The field tag in the expression supports arithmetic operators “exists” and “not exists”.
Update Alert Rule A new parameter triggeringDelayTimer is supported in alertRule struct to indicate the time of delaying the alert triggering.
Aggregate Active Alerts The field tag in the expression supports arithmetic operators “exists” and “not exists”.

Asset Tree Service

API What’s Changed
Search Asset Node In request body, use expression parameter to replace previous parameter filter.

TSDB Data Service

API What’s Changed
Get Asset AI Raw Data A new parameter withQuality is supported in request URI to get the quality indicator.
Get Asset Generic Data A new parameter withQuality is supported in request URI to get the quality indicator.
Get Asset Raw Data by Time Range A new parameter withQuality is supported in request URI to get the quality indicator.
Get Asset DI Data Interpolation is supported in getting the asset status (DI) data. When no data is found at the query start time, the latest DI data in the past 30 days will be returned with the time stamp of the query start time.
Get Asset Raw Data by Time Range A new parameter orderBy is supported in the request URL, which can be used to sort the response results by a certain field.

EnOS Edge

Service/Function Module Before After Impact
Template You must send all measurement point data that EnOS Edge collected to EnOS Cloud You can choose not to send a measurement point data to EnOS Cloud. Configure Upload Type in EnOS Edge > Template > Edit Template > Points Mapping .
Template Only system timestamp can be used for a measurement point. You can use OEM timestamp for a measurement point and use system timestamp only if there is no OEM timestamp. Enable Using OEM Timestamp in EnOS Edge > Template > Edit Template > Points Mapping .
DPF You cannot deduplicate status word. You can now deduplicate status word. N/A
DPF Only the system timestamp of a measurement point can be received. Both system and OEM timestamps can be received. N/A

Device Connection

Optimization for “per-product secret” authentication protocol

Original Behavior Current Behavior
After EnOS issues the deviceSecret to a device, no device_secret will be issued regardless of whether the device is activated by the deviceSecret. A device can still request and get the deviceSecret if the device does not carry a deviceSecret for activation after EnOS issues a deviceSecret to the device. This improvement is mainly applicable for the scenario where the deviceSecret is missing.

Serach Function Enhancement

Service/Function Module Before After
Product Management You can search for a product only by product key. You can also use model or product name to search for products.
Device Management You can search for devices only by device key. You can also use model, asset ID, device name to search for devices.
Asset Tree Searching by device key and model supports only exact matching. Fuzzy matching is supported for searching by device key or model.

Other Function Enhancement

Service/Function Module Before After Impact
Model, Product, Device, Asset Tree Only em dash (-), underscore (_), period (.), and colon (:) are supported in model, device, product, asset tree, and asset names. Slash (/), asterisk (*), plus (+), number sign (#), and space ( ) are also supported in in model, device, product, asset tree, and asset names. None
Device Users can only use model, device name, device key, and asset ID to search for a device. Product name can be used to search for device and exporting devices of the same product in batch is supported. None
Device Users have to define sample data for, start, stop, or delete simulators one at a time. Defining data sample for, start, stop, and deleting simulators in batch are supported. None
Alert Users have to create severity, type, content, and rule one at a time. Up to 10000 entries can be uploaded in batch for severity, type, content, and rule by editing and uploading template. None
Alert Users have to use content and rule ID for searching. Added support of using model for searching content and rule, and exporting selected search results. None

Data Asset Management

Stream Data Processing

  • Starting from this release, the AI aggregation template is renamed window aggregation template. Supports aggregation for numeric types of data.

Data Cleanup

Added “Cleanup Failure” status of TSDB data cleanup jobs. When a data cleanup job fails, it can be restarted through the Restart icon in the Operations column. Data that is already deleted by the job cannot be restored.

Application Enablement

API Management

  • Added the message prompt for the interruption of API staging process.
  • Deleted the message box for response parameters.
  • When importing APIs, API Management will check whether the imported APIs already exist. Existing APIs cannot be imported again. This improves the efficiency of API migration.

Enterprise Container Platform

  • Starting from this release, the EnOS Service Hosting Center is renamed to Enterprise Container Platform.
  • When creating an application, either Deployment or Stateful Set for a container can be created, i.e. it is not allowed to create both.
  • Optimized the pipeline creation process.
  • The default values of CPU Maximum and Memory Maximum of Resource Quota when creating Deployment and Stateful Set are changed to “1.0 Cores” and “1.0G” respectively.
  • The Number of Files when creating a Storage container is changed to 10 million.
  • Docker Registry is selected by default when creating a pipeline.
  • Optimized the password display operation in the service directory, and modified the password creation rules to support for uppercase/lowercase English letters, numbers and !@#$%^&*/-, with no password displayed during editing.
  • Type is selected by default when creating a Service.
  • Type is selected by default when creating Redis, Mongo and MySQL.
  • Pod IP is not displayed before until the health check is completed for Redis, Mongo and MySQL.