EnOS™ Edge Overview

EnOS Edge is the intelligent edge computing software for EnOS Cloud. It integrates traditional OT technology with EnOS to provide powerful capabilities such as:

  • Device connectivity, management, and control
  • Edge computing
  • Local analysis
  • Decision-making

At the same time, EnOS Edge provides almost the same set of fundamental services as EnOS Cloud, bringing IoT intelligence from the cloud to the Edge:

  • Support for cloud-based, local, or 3rd-party applications.
  • Support for Edge developers to build Edge-based application ecosystems.
  • Support for complex IoT scenarios such as local Edge computing and regional Edge computing.
  • Enabling wind, solar, microgrid, industrial, commercial, industrial park, and smart building IoT business models.

EnOS Edge itself is a software stack that significantly reduces the computing load on the cloud and provides quick device control by moving some computing loads onto the edge. It also reduces bandwidth and storage consumption of the cloud by local data cleansing and pre-processing. Other than the above, EnOS Edge can run with weak or no Internet connectivity at all, and respond fast to local events.

The software architecture of EnOS Edge is as per the below.

Figure: Edge software architecture