Common Widget Settings

All widgets have the same fields for Basic Information and Data Fields sections.

Basic Information

Basic Options

Field Description
Title Specify the default title for the widget.
CageCode Specify the CageCode for the widget. When events are dispatched externally via the DTV SDK, if a cageCode is provided, only the object with the specified cageCode will respond
Hide Title Select this to hide the title.
Title Font Style the title label.
Title Jump Select it and configure the title jump in the pop-up window. Read more in Title Jump.
Description Write a short description of the widget. Read more in Widget Description. If a Description is written, hovering over the title will reveal the description under it.

Title Jump

You can set the title of the widget as a hyperlink. When the title is configured with a link jump, an arrow title_link will appear to the right of the title.

  • When the mouse hovers over the title text or arrow, the name of the jump will appear.
  • Clicking on the title text or arrow will trigger a jump.

The title jump supports the following configurations:

  • Link Name: Mouse hover over the title or right arrow title_link to display it.
  • Open in: Support multiple new page opening methods.
    • New Tab: Open a new tab in your browser.
    • Current Tab: Replaces the current tab with the target page.
    • Popup Window: Displays the new page as a pop-up window on the current page.
    • Bottom Drawer/Side Drawer: Sliding out a new page from the bottom/right side on the current page will partially block the current page, select X to close the drawer.
  • Redirection Method
    • No Link: The title is a normal text label.
    • Link URL: Redirects the user to a specified URL. You can specify the URL in the Title URL box.
    • Application Portal: Redirects the user to the menu of an application by specifying the App Identifier, Menu Identifier, and App Status fields.


If no URL is specified when the link type selected is Link URL or Application Portal, the user is redirected back to the dashboard.

Other Options

Field Description
Refresh Frequency Select how frequently the widget should refresh and retrieve data from data sources.
Merge Request When multiple widgets within one page using the same data source are refreshed simultaneously, the data requests will be merged into a single request. Enabled by default. Only valid when merge requests are turned on in the page setup, for more information, see Customizing Page Properties.
Allow Maximize Select this to enable a clearer view of widgets, you can configure widgets to display in a full-page maximized view.
Allow Data Export [1] Select this to enable users to download the displayed data in CSV format.
Chart Padding Specify the respective spacing within the widget.
Background Color Select a background color for the widget.
Title Decoration Select how you want to decorate the title.
Top Decorative Line Add a decorative line for the top boundary of the container.
Bottom Decorative Line Add a decorative line for the bottom boundary of the container.

[1] Not available for Topology.

Data Fields

Field Description
Data Source Select the data source.
Category Select the data category that you want to display.
Aggregation Select if you want to use the raw data or the aggregated data. See Aggregation.
Dimension, Comparison, Measurement, and Extension Select the data fields according to the chosen widget. Required quantities of data fields for each widget can differ. For more information, see the reference page of the respective widgets.
Alias Add an alternative display text for fields in the chart.
Unit Add units for data fields, with priority over the original units of the data.

Depending on how the data source was configured in the backend, there may be additional optional parameters that you can configure.


  • If you need to add data from multiple data sources, contact your system administrator.
  • If you change the data source or the category, the current data fields will become irrelevant. You can replace them to retain the chart style, or remove them completely to reconfigure the chart style from scratch.
  • If you change an existing chart to a new chart type that is incompatible with the existing data fields, then all the data fields will be reset. You will need to configure them again. For example, if dimension fields were selected and you changed the chart type to the Donut Gauge type (which does not use dimension fields), all the data fields will be reset.

Built-In Data Source Parameters

For the built-in data sources, application users can configure the corresponding parameters to pre-process data for functions such as aggregation or filtering.


For TSDB data sources, application users can configure the following information on the Data tab of Chart Settings (the data sources without parameters are not listed here).


Item Required/Optional Description
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
Electric Power

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Aggregation Method Optional The method to aggregate time series data when queried by a designated interval. For example, if you select “avg”, the aggregated data will be the average value of data in the specified Aggregation Interval.
Aggregation Interval Optional The interval to aggregate time series data. For example, if you select “5 min”, the data within 5 minutes will be aggregated once.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
Raw Data

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
DI Data

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
AI Raw

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
AI Aggregation

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Aggregation Method Optional The method to aggregate time series data when queried by a designated interval. For example, if you select “avg”, the aggregated data will be the average value of data in the specified Aggregation Interval.
Aggregation Interval Optional The interval to aggregate time series data. For example, if you select “5 min”, the data within 5 minutes will be aggregated once.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.

Common Data Service

For Common Data Service data sources, application users can configure the following information on the Data tab of Chart Settings.


Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Aggregation Method Optional The method to aggregate time series data when queried by a designated interval. For example, if you select “avg”, the aggregated data will be the average value of data in the specified Aggregation Interval.
Aggregation Interval Optional The interval to aggregate time series data. For example, if you select “5 min”, the data within 5 minutes will be aggregated once.
Auto Retrieve Assets Optional Whether to automatically query all assets in the specified category.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
dimension Optional The dimension type for aggregating queried data or filtering specified metrics.
Placeholder Optional Whether to display the points without data as empty values.
Interpolate Optional Whether to return the latest data in the past if no data is found.
Display All Asset Data Optional If some data fields do not exist for an asset, whether to display other available data of the asset.
Query Type Optional
The relationship between Category and Asset ID, affecting the scope to query assets.
  • General: the Category is the model of the assets in Asset ID. DTV querys all specified assets in Asset ID.
  • Hierarchy: the Category is the model of the sub-assets of the assets in Asset ID. DTV querys all sub-assets of the specified assets in Asset ID.
  • Grouping: the Category is the model of the asset groups in Asset ID. DTV querys the assets in the groups and aggregate asset data by group.

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Accumulation Interval Optional The time interval to query realtime data. For example, if you select “Day”, DTV queries and aggregate realtime data by day.
Auto Retrieve Assets Optional Whether to automatically query all assets in the specified category.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
Display All Asset Data Optional If some data fields do not exist for an asset, whether to display other available data of the asset.
Query Type Optional
The relationship between Category and Asset ID, affecting the scope to query assets.
  • General: the Category is the model of the assets in Asset ID. DTV querys all specified assets in Asset ID.
  • Hierarchy: the Category is the model of the sub-assets of the assets in Asset ID. DTV querys all sub-assets of the specified assets in Asset ID.
  • Grouping: the Category is the model of the asset groups in Asset ID. DTV querys the assets in the groups and aggregate asset data by group.

Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
Data Size Optional The size of data to be displayed on the page.
Data Index Optional The index of the first alarm to query.
Asset Type Optional The types of assets to be displayed on the page.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
alertParentTypeIds Optional The IDs of parent alarm types to be displayed on the page.
alertTypeIds Optional The IDs of alarm types to be displayed on the page.
mdmTypeIds Optional The IDs of device types to be displayed on the page.
alertIds Optional The IDs of alarms to be displayed on the page.

Item Required/Optional Description
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
topologyID Optional The identifier of the topology.
ifCut Optional Whether to only display the parts of the topology associated to the assets in the specified Category.
Accumulation Interval Optional The time interval to query data. For example, if you select “Day”, DTV queries and aggregate data by day.
Display All Asset Data Optional If some data fields do not exist for an asset, whether to display other available data of the asset.

Item Required/Optional Description
Data Index Optional The index of the first alarm to query.
Data Size Optional The size of data to be displayed on the page.

Metric Management

For Metric Management data sources, application users can configure the following information on the Data tab of Chart Settings (the data sources without parameters are not listed here).


Item Required/Optional Description
Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
mdmIdNotNull Required Whether to require a mdmId.
Asset ID Optional The identifiers to be displayed on the page. Leave it blank to display all assets in the specified category.
mdmId Optional The primary key of the dimension table, usually a business object identifier, which can be used to pass parameters to global filters.
GroupBy Optional The attributes in the GROUP BY clause, which can be used to classify the sampling data by group.
Fact Table

Item Required/Optional Description
Item Required/Optional Description
Start Time Required The start time of the sampling data.
End Time Required The end time of the sampling data.
pageNo Optional The number of page to be returned.
pageSize Optional The number of the returned records on a single page.
Time Field Optional The field in the fact table that represents time.
timeGroup Optional The time granularity for aggregating data.

Sorting Data Fields

For the dimension and comparison data fields that you have selected, you can choose the order they are displayed on the chart.

The available options are:

  • Default: Display in the same order as the original data.
  • ASC: Display in ascending order.
  • DESC: Display in descending order.


  • There can only be one sort. The order of priority is Dimension, Comparison and then Measurement. For example, if a sorting order is chosen for dimensions, the sorting order for comparisons and measurements is ignored. If there are multiple data fields in Dimension or Measurement, the first data field added takes the sorting priority.
  • For points on the x-axis where the first measurement added has a zero value, the sorting order for the next measurement with non-zero values is taken.


You can aggregate measurement data values that have the same dimension and comparison data values. If no dimension and comparison data fields are selected, then measurement values of the same field are simply aggregated and returned as a single value.

For example, the Month of June has two records, 5 and 10. After selecting Aggregation with the function Sum, the two values are added together and displayed as 15.


DTV supports the following functions for aggregation:

Function Description
Sum Returns the unweighted sum of measurement values.
Average Returns the average of measurement values.
Effect Average Returns the average of non-empty measurement values. For example, if there are 10 values, of which 6 are non-empty, the effective average returns the average value of the 6 non-empty values (whereas the average function would return the average of all 10 values).
Max Returns the largest measurement value.
Min Returns the smallest measurement value.
First Returns the first measurement value.
Last Returns the last measurement value.
Count Returns the number of measurement values.
Distinct Count Returns the number of unique measurement values.