Exploring Digital Twin Dashboard (DTD)

This article describes the main elements of DTD.

Project Editor

All projects can be viewed and edited in the project editor, and the content of each page can be viewed through the page preview cards.


Component Description
Pages Show the contents through a card view. Hovering over the page card reveals several options, such as edit page, save page as a template, and publish page.
Toolbar Enable you to add a new project, add a new page, and search for projects or pages.
Projects Display the pages in the project as cards. You can also change project settings, delete the project or add a new page.

Page Editor

The Page Editor is used to manage dashboard projects. You can create widgets, customize them the way you like, and publish the final work for users to view.

On the Page Editor canvas, you can resize widgets by dragging their corners, and rearrange them by dragging them around.


The table below explains the functions of each toolbar button.

Button Description
back Return to the previous window
preview Preview the page
save Save the page settings and layout of widgets
options Show more options - Save as Template - Save as New Page - Publish - Copy Page URL
add Create widgets or add widgets from a template
add_filters Create a widget filter or a global filter
responsive_mode Select a mode to simulate your display screen size. You can also customize the resolution response ranges for each mode. This ensures that the configured page is suitable for your intended display screen.
panel Configure the appearance of the published page, or the Page Editor.
expand Hide and show the Navigation Pane and the Application Portal header bar.

Page Preview

You can preview a page from the Project View or the Page Editor.

From Project View

When you preview a page from the Project View, you have the options to edit, publish or save the page as a template.


The table below explains the functions of each toolbar button.

Component Description
back Return to the Project Editor
edit Open the Page Editor
Show more options
  • Save Page as Template
  • Publish
  • Copy Page URL
responsive_mode_new Select a mode to simulate your display screen size.
expand Hide and show the Navigation Pane and the Application Portal header bar.

From Page Editor

The following is the screen when previewing a page from the Page Editor.


The table below explains the functions of each toolbar button.

Component Description
edit Return to the Page Editor.
responsive_mode_new Select a mode to simulate your display screen size. This ensures that the configured page is suitable for your intended display screen.
expand Hide and show the Navigation Pane and the Application Portal header bar.