Dynamic Time Range

Application users can filter data in the certain time ranges based on the specified time granularity (such as day, week, month, and year) in a dynamic time range filter.

Basic Information

Field Description
Show Picker Whether to display a time selector to specify the time range. If you only need to display the data in current time granularity, for example this week or this month, you can disable this function. If you need to allow application users to customize the time range, you can enable this function.
Show Future Whether to select the future time points.
Enable Comparison Whether to compare data in different time periods. Once enabled, a second time selector appears in the filter for users to specify the time period to compare with.
UTC Whether to convert time data into the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) according to users’ time zones.
Granularity Type The available time granularity and corresponding display style. For more information, see Granularity Type.

Granularity Type

Field Description
Display Style The style of time granularity tags, supporting Tab and Single-Select Dropdown.
Time Granularity The key and display text of each time granularity. Keys can be used to pass parameters to other filters and widgets. Display text is the text of each granularity displayed in the tab or dropdown list of the filter.
Enable Enabled time granularity.
Default The selected granularity by default.

Linked Data Fields

It is recommended to configure the following linked data fields for dynamic time range filters.

Parameter Operator Linked Field Description
Start Time = Start Set the start time selected in the filter as the start time to query data in data sources.
End Time = End Set the end time selected in the filter as the end time to query data in data sources.