Importing Sites

When creating a site via file import, you can choose to import a single site at a time, or import 2-3 sites at a time in groups.

  • Import a Single Site: This is suitable for scenarios where the attributes in the site are independent. Input the attribute values acquired into the Excel template in advance. After importing, a corresponding site type and its internal devices, components, and groups, as well as the topological relationship within the site will be created.
  • Import Sites by Grouping: This is suitable for scenarios where some device properties in the site are shared with another site. For example, when the Transformer Interval attribute of the transformer device in the step-up site is used in the PV site, you can import PV + Solar Sites group. Under Transformer Interval in the PV site, enter the name of the Transformer Interval step-up site. After importing, a PV site and a step-up site will be created at the same time, and the two sites will share the Transformer Interval attribute values. The import will fail if the common attribute value is entered incorrectly. If there is no common attribute value, the import result is the same as importing a single site twice.


  • The current account has access to Site Onboarding menu, as well as permission points to manage assets and topologies. Contact the application administrator if necessary.
  • The current account has the permissions to Configure Sites step. If you need to obtain the permission, contact the application administrator. For more information, see Assigning Onboarding Processes.
  • Before starting, the basic data of sites, devices, components, and groups has been acquired and the topological relationship between assets has been designed.
  • When importing sites in groups, the current OU requires permission to import sites by grouping to be enabled. To enable it, contact the application administrator.

Import Restrictions

The maximum number of simultaneous import tasks in a single OU is 20, including importing a single site or site group. Select btn_list in Site Onboarding menu to view the number and status of current import tasks. If the number of displays as 20, import will not continue.

Importing a Single Site

  1. Select Site Onboarding menu in the left navigation bar. On the desired site type tab, select Import Site.
  2. Enter the following in the pop-up:
    • Site Name: The name of the site. The maximum length is 64 characters, and Chinese, English, Japanese, and Spanish internationalization is supported.
    • Select Topology Tree: Specify the topology tree to be assigned for the site. Once selected, the entire site and its internal devices will be assigned under the topology tree.
    • Assign to Node: Specify the topology node to assign the site. If not specified, the auto-assign node configured in the topology tree will be selected automatically. The auto-assign node is pre-configured in Auto-Assigning Assets. If there is no auto-assign node, the site will be assigned under the root node of the topology tree.
    • File: Excel file containing imported site and device information, up to 10 MB. Click Download Template, enter the information as required by the template, and Upload the file.
  3. After uploading the file, select Import, after which a pop-up prompt will notify you that the file has been imported. You can select View Progress to view the file import progress.
  4. If the import fails, select View Details in Site Onboarding menu to go to Import Task List, where you can view the import details of the corresponding site and download the error log. After editing the file based on the hints in the error log, select Reupload File.
  5. After the import is successful, the site will appear in the list in the corresponding site type tab, and with a status of Disconnected.

If Edge onboarding is required as part of the current onboarding, proceed to complete the connection configuration and measurement point mapping. For details, see Configuring Connections and Mapping Points. If Edge access is not required, you can directly submit the site. For more information, see Submitting Sites.

Importing Sites by Grouping

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Site Onboarding menu, and select Import Sites by Grouping.
  2. Select Group Type type of the site in the pop-up. Supported group types currently include PV + Solar Site, Wind + Solar Site and PV + Wind + Solar Site.
  3. Enter the following information in the pop-up for each site type.
    • Site Name: The name of the site. The maximum length is 64 characters, and Chinese, English, Japanese, and Spanish internationalization is supported.
    • Select Topology Tree: Specify the topology tree to mount for the site. After selection, the site and its devices will be assigned under the topology tree.
    • Assign to Node: Specify the topology node to mount for the site. If not specified, the auto-assign node configured in the topology tree will be selected automatically. The auto-assign node is set in advance by domain experts. If there is no automatic mount node, the site will be assigned under the root node of the topology tree.
    • File: Excel file containing imported site and device information, up to 10 MB. Select Download Template, enter the required information in the template, and then select Upload.
  4. After uploading the file, select Import, after which a pop-up prompt will notify you that the file has been imported. You can select View Progress to view the file import progress.
  5. If the import fails, a prompt will appear on Site Onboarding page. Select View Details, enter Import Task List, view the corresponding site’s import details, and download the error log. After editing the Excel file following the prompts in the error log, select Reupload File.

After the import is successful, the site will appear in the list on the corresponding site type tab, for which the status will be Disconnected.

If Edge onboarding is required, proceed to complete Configure Connections and Map Points. For more information, see Configuring Connections and Mapping Points. If Edge access is not required, you can directly submit the site. For more information, see Submitting Sites.


  • If the corresponding modelling rules are configured in the current OU template, a private model will be automatically created for the imported asset type. This model can be used for the next onboarding. For more information, see Modelling Rule.
  • Select the corresponding site in Site Onboarding menu to view imported sites, devices, components, groups, and their topology.
  • On Device Setting page, you can add business information for devices. For more information, see Setting Device Business Information.
  • If the site is assigned on an independent topology, the topology within the site will be synchronized on Topology page. For more information, see Managing Topologies.