Configuring Asset List

This page describes how application creators configure Asset List pages.


Before you start, make sure that:

  • You have been assigned with the required asset permissions, operational permissions, and a menu group containing the Asset List page. If not assigned, contact your application administrators.
  • You have registered the attributes, measurement points, and metrics of target assets in Common Data Service (CDS). For more information, see About EnOS Common Data Service.

Configuring Page Functions

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.


    The menu name in your applications might be different from the name in this article, because of the customization on menu names for Unified Monitoring pages. Contact your application administrators for more information.

  2. Select Function Configuration i_function on the Asset List page.

  3. Select the Basic Settings tab and configure the following information.

    Field Description Example
    Asset Dimension Specify the asset dimension of asset list, supporting Region (to view the asset data of each region), Site (to view the asset data of sites in each region), and Device (to view the asset data of devices in each site) dimensions For example, if you need to view the asset data by wind site (site), you can select Site.
    Site Name Specify the meaning of Site by replace the word Site in the search box and filter on the Asset List page. For example, for smart park scenarios, if you enter Park, the word Site can be replaced with Park.
    Data Type Specify the supported data types of Asset List, including Realtime and Historical. If you select both types, a toggle icon i_dataswitch appears for application users to switch the data type. For example, you can select both Real-Time Data and Historical Data to enable one-stop monitoring of real-time data and historical data of assets on the same page.
    Style Type Specify the display styles of Asset List, including List, Card, and Compact Card. If you select two or more styles, a toggle icon i_listtype appears for application users to switch the display style. For examples of display styles, see Switching Display Style.
    Card Trend Chart Display trend charts in asset cards. The data fields and style information of the trend chart can be configured in Card Settings > Display Chart. an example of trend charts in asset cards is shown below.
    Aggregate by Region Allow application users to aggregate assets on the page by region. When enabled, application users can select the Aggregate by Region check box in the Asset List page to aggregate assets by region. For more information about the Aggregate by Region, see Aggregating Assets.
    Function Button Display the buttons for application creators or application users to configure certain functions. For example, if Export is selected, application users can select the export button i_export in the card-style Asset List page to export the assets and data information of the current list. If Export is not selected, application users cannot select the export button in the page, so they cannot export the page assets and data information.
    Permission on Column/Card Settings Select whether to enable the operational permission on Column/Card Settings. Once enabled, only users with operational permissions can access Column/Card Settings. Once disabled, all users can access Column/Card Settings.
    Total Row Display the total row in each column. Total row can be used to summarize the data in an entire column. For example, in the device list of wind scenario, the total row can be enabled if you need to sum up the production of all turbines.
    Total Row Position Select the position of the total row when Total Row is enabled. Select Bottom to display the total row below the last row of assets. Select Top to display the total row above the first row of assets.
    Total Row Prefix Display the prefix of total row, such as Sum and Formula when the Total Row is enabled. The total row prefix appears before the summarized data, as shown below.
    Local Time Display the local time and the time when the page is refreshed at the bottom of the page. The time is displayed with the following style in the Asset List page.

  4. Select the Asset Settings tab and configure the following information.

    Field Description Example
    Asset Type Specify the asset type displayed on the Asset List page. If you select multiple asset types, you can drag the sorting icon on the left of each asset type to sort the display order. For example, to display wind, hydro, and solar sites in turn, you can select Wind, Hydro and Solar from the dropdown list, and adjust the display order to Wind-Hydro-Solar in the Asset Type list.
    Device Type The device type displayed on the Asset List page. It only takes effect in the Device List. If you select multiple device types, you can drag the sorting icon on the left of each device type to sort the display order. For example, to display turbines and meters in turn, you can select Turbine and Meter from the dropdown list, and adjust the display order to Turbine-Meter in the Device Type list.
    Asset Type Filter Allow application users to filter assets by asset type. You can configure the display name of the asset type in the filter in Display Name, which supports By Industry or By Type. For example, in the wind scenario, the asset type name is displayed as Wind by industry, and as Wind Site by type.
    Region Filter Allow application users to filter assets by region, effective only in the Region List. For more information, see Filtering Assets.
    Site Filter Allow application users to filter assets by site, effective only in the Site and Device List. For more information, see Filtering Assets.
    Device Type Filter Allow application users to filter devices by device type, effective only in the Device List. For more information, see Filtering Assets.
    Device Filter Allow application users to select specified devices, effective only in Device Lists. You can customize the display style of device filters, supporting By List or By Hierarchy. By Hierarchy inherits the hierarchical structure of Organization Structure in Application Portal, and By List displays the devices in the site by Asset Type.
    Synchronize Assets Automatically select the assets selected in the current Asset List page when opening a new page. For example, if Turbine-1 and Turbine-2 are selected in the Asset List, when you open a Common KPI Inquiry page, the new page displays the asset data of Turbine-1 and Turbine-2 by default.

  5. Select the Operation Settings tab and configure the following information.

    Field Description Example
    Single Control Allow application users to control each asset of the asset types specified in Site/Device Type. Enable this function, and application users can select the Control button in the Operation column to open the control panel.
    Batch Control Allow application users to batch control assets of the asset types specified in Site/Device Type. You can set the maximum number of assets controlled in a single batch from the Maximum Control Number. Enable this function, and application users can select the Batch Control icon i_batch to open the control panel.
    Send Service Request Allow application users to send service requests for the assets of the asset type specified in Site/Device Type. Enable this function, and application users can select the Send SR button in the Operation column to open the Service Request page.

  6. Select Publish. In the popup window, enter the description on the Remark text box and select OK.

Configuring Data Fields

Asset List provides the following style:

  • List Style: data fields displayed as a list.
  • Card Style: data fields displayed in each asset card, supporting site lists and device lists.
  • Compact Card: no data fields displayed in asset cards, supporting site list only.

Configuring Data Fields in List View

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Column Settings i_column.

  3. Select Add Columns from the right panel, select the data fields from the dropdown list and select the checkmark icon i_j to add the selected data fields to the asset list.

  4. Select the tags of the added data fields and configure the following information.

    Field Description
    Unit Enter the unit of the data field.
    Unit Multiplier Adjust the digit number of data when the data is too large or too small. The data displayed on the Asset List page is the product of the unit multiplier and the original data.
    For example, if the original data is 10000 Wh, you can configure the Unit as KWh and the Unit Multiplier as 0.001 to display the data field as 10 KWh on the Asset List page.
    Style Select the display style of the data field in the list, supporting Metric to display the data value, and progress bars to display the progress percentage by a bar chart.
    Condition Configure the condition format of this data field.
    Select Add to add a new condition format rule and configure the data range and color of the condition format rule.

  5. Select Save.

Configuring Data Fields in Card View

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane..

  2. Select Card Settings i_column.

  3. On the Card Settings tab from the right panel, select Show Data.

  4. Select Add Data, select the data fields from the dropdown list and select the checkmark icon i_j to add the selected data fields to the asset list.

  5. Select the tags of the added data fields and configure the following information.

    Field Description
    Unit Enter the unit of the data field.
    Unit Multiplier Adjust the digit number of data when the data is too large or too small. The data displayed on the Asset List page is the product of the unit multiplier and the original data.
    For example, if the original data is 10000 Wh, you can configure the Unit as KWh and the Unit Multiplier as 0.001 to display the data field as 10 KWh on the Asset List page.

  6. Select Save.

Configuring Metric Cards

Metric Cards contain specified filtering conditions displaying above the list or card area on an Asset page for application users to quickly filter the target assets. Configure the metric cards of the current Asset List page by the following steps:

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select Edit Metric Card i_card.

  3. Select Add Metric Card or hover over an existing metric card and select the edit i_edit_t icon, then enter the following information in the popup window.

    Field Description
    Metric Specify the data field and configure the filtering conditions, including operators and value. You can also select Add Metric to configure and or or conditions.
    For example, configure the Metric as Active Power | < 10MW | Or | Power Ratio | < | 10% to use the card to filter out all assets with less than 10MW active power or less than 10% power ration.
    Card Color Select the background color for the metric card.

  4. Select OK to add the metric card to the Asset List page.

  5. (Optional) If you want to delete a metric card, hover over the card and select the delete icon i_remove.

  6. Select Save.

Configuring Custom Operation Buttons

Configure custom operation buttons for each asset in the Asset List page by the following steps, so that application users can perform certain tasks or open certain pages by selecting the operation buttons:

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane..

  2. Select List Configuration i_link.

  3. Select the Operation tab.

  4. Select Add Action, and enter the following information on the Operation tab.

    Field Description
    Name Enter the display name of the operation.
    Opening Method Select the method to open the link specified in Link, supporting On a New Page and On the Current Page.
    Link Enter the URL address to open when application users select the operation button.

  5. Select OK.

You can add up to 3 custom buttons for an Asset List page, which are displayed on the Action column of the page as shown below.


Configuring Non-Connection Status

Non-Connection refers to the status where assets lose the connection to EnOS. For more information, see Non-Connection. Define the non-connection status of assets on the current Asset List page, and select whether to summarize and sort the data of assets in non-connection status by the following steps:

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.

  2. Select List Configuration i_link, and select the Non-Connection tab.

  3. Enter the following information on the Non-Connection tab.

    Field Description
    Show Non-Connected Status Turn on the toggle to mark the data of non-connected assets in grey and exclude the non-connected assets from sorting and summarizing.
    Turn off the toggle to include the non-connected assets into sorting and summarizing.
    Non-Connected Asset Type Select the data field from the dropdown list on the right of the corresponding asst type, and enter a value. If the data of an asset is equal to the value, the asset will be regarded as a non-connected asset.

  4. Select OK.

After turning on Show Non-Connected Status and defining non-connection for asset types, the non-connected assets in the Asset List page displays as below.


Configuring Default View

Default view refers to the view of Asset List displayed when application users of the current OU open the Asset List page. Default view contains the following information:

  • Style of Asset List
  • Data fields
  • Metric cards
  • Links
  • Width of columns
  • Display order of assets

Save the current list as the default view of the Asset List page for all application users in the current OU by the following steps:

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane..
  2. Select Save as Default View.
  3. In the Save as Default View? popup window, select OK.

Restoring History Versions

You can view the information about history versions such as version numbers, the users to publish versions, the publishing time of versions, and publishing remarks. If you want to use a history version of Asset List, restore the version by the following steps:

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Asset List page.
  3. Select History Version to open the history version list.
  4. Locate the target history version and select Restore.
  5. Select OK in the popup window.

Importing or Exporting Page Configuration

You can export the following contents of Asset List in JSON format and import the JSON file to migrate and reuse the configured page:

  • Page function configuration
  • Asset and data field Configuration

Exporting Page Configuration

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Asset List page.
  3. Select Import/Export > Export, and the configuration file will be downloaded automatically.

Importing Page Configuration

  1. Select the Asset List from the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Function Configuration i_function in the Asset List page.
  3. Select Import/Export > Import.
  4. In the popup window, select Upload to upload the JSON configuration file.
  5. Select OK.

Configuring URL Parameters

Besides the configuration above, application creators can enable or disable more functions by configuring the parameters of the URL. For more information, see URL Parameters.