Exploring Digital Twin Monitoring (DTM)

This article describes the main elements of DTM.

Monitoring Editor

The following figure shows the page of the monitoring editor.


The names and functions of each area of the editor are described as follows.

Component Description
Toolbar Include graphic drawing tools and page editing tools.
Management Area Display and manage the directory where panels, elements, widgets, and resources are stored.
Preview Area Display a preview view of the panels, elements, widgets, and resources in the management area.
Canvas drawing panels or elements.
Configuration Area Configure the properties of panels and elements and make data binding.
Viewing Area
View the architecture of the panel or element.
  • List: A tree list of all elements in the panel or element.
    • Parent-child relationship: Drag and drop elements to other elements to set the parent-child relationship.
    • Arrangement order: from top to bottom for the element level from back to front. The element that is first in the list order is located at the bottom of the panel or element.
  • Layers (Displayed only for panels): Show all the layer information in the panel. Layers can be added and deleted. The elements can be selected to be classified into different layers.
  • Status (Displayed only for elements): the status information of this element.
  • Overview: Top view to quickly select the local position of a drawing or drawing element.
  • Data: All JSON data for these panels or elements.


When editing a drawing or element, you can quickly draw a panel with the graphics tools in the toolbar or change the page state with the page editing tools.

Graphics Tools

The graphics tool in the toolbar is shown below.

Panel Graphics Tools


Element Graphics Tools


The table below explains the functions of each button.

Button Description
click Edit mode.
draw Draw irregular shapes.
shape Draw ellipses, rounded rectangles, rectangular bodies, orthogonal polygons, triangular bodies, star bodies, and circular arcs.
text Add text.
border Draw the border.
chart Draw pie charts, single-dimensional bar charts, bar charts, and line charts. Available only when drawing elements.
link Connects the center of the elements. Available only when drawing panels.
controller Provides controls such as Textbox input and buttons to control the asset.
DTD1 Add a DTD page and enable sending parameters to the DTD page.
alarmlist Add an alarm list of assets. You can acknowledge alarms directly on the DTM page or enter the alarm console directly to operate.

Page Editing Tools

The page editing tool in the toolbar is shown below.


The table below explains the functions of each button.

Button Description
bind Bind assets to the panel.
redo Undo/redo.
scale Toggle/hide the rulers.
grids Toggle/hide the grid.
save Save the page.
preview Preview the page.
reload Reload.
zoom Current page zoom scale. Drag the numbers left and right to adjust the scale.
fullscreen Zoom to full screen.
lefttoolbar Hide/Show the left toolbar.
righttoolbar Hide/Show the right toolbar.
switchfull Enable/disable full-screen mode.

Element Editing Tools

The element editing tool in the toolbar is shown below.


The table below explains the functions of each button.

Button Description
distribute Horizontal/vertical distribution, available only when three or more elements are selected.
align Alignment, available only when two or more elements are selected.
search Search for element configuration.
advanced Hide/Show advanced configuration.