Managing Conditional Control Rules

Fleet Control allows users to pre-set monitoring conditions for assets. When the measurement points of the assets meet the conditions, the system will automatically trigger and issue control actions. At the same time, Fleet Control also supports editing, deleting, and other operations on conditional control rules.


Before starting, make sure the current account has been assigned the required asset permissions and menu groups containing Conditional Control. If not assigned, contact the application administrator.

Creating a Conditional Control Rule

  1. Log in to EnOS Application Portal, and select Fleet Control in the application list.
  2. Select Conditional Control in the left navigation bar.
  3. Select New Rule and enter the following information in the new rule page:
    • Rule Name: Enter a name of the conditional control rule.
    • Description: Enter a description information of the conditional control rule.
    • Site: Select a site that the conditional control rule apply within the current account permissions.
    • Repeat On: Select the recurring date for the conditional control rule. For example, when selecting Monday, the rule will take effect every Monday. Multiple and full selection is also supported. When all sections are selected, the rule will take effect Every Day.
    • Effective Time: Select the effective time period for the conditional control rule under the time zone of the selected site.
  4. In Execution Conditions, configure the execution conditions for the conditional control rules. If a single condition does not meet your actual needs, you can select Add Condition and configure up to 5 conditions for each condition group. Or you can select Add Condition Group and configure up to 5 condition groups for each alarm rule.
    • Asset Type: Select a asset type of the selected site.
    • Asset: Select a device or a logical asset of the selected asset type.
    • Measurement Point: Select a measurement point of the model associated with the current asset type.
    • Operator
      • Select And or Or as the logical operator between conditions or condition groups. When selecting And, all execution conditions must be met for the action to be triggered. When selecting Or, only one execution condition needs to be met for the action to be triggered.
      • Select >, >=, <, <=, =, or ! as the operator between the measurement point and the attribute or the value. You can construct a conditional expression like Inside Temperature of Wind Turbine> Value 40, where Inside Temperature of Wind Turbine is a measurement point and Value 40 is a comparative condition of the measurement point.
    • Condition: Select a comparative condition of the measurement point.
      • When selecting Attribute: select an attribute of the model associated with the current asset type as the comparative condition of the measurement point.
      • When selecting Value: enter a value as the comparative condition of the measurement point data.
    • Validity Period: Enter a value as the validity period. When”The time when data arrives at EnOS Cloud - Device timestamp > Validity period of the data”is met, the data uploaded by the measurement point is considered valid and can be used for the execution condition. For example, assume that the validity period is 3600 s (i.e. 1 hour). If the device timestamp of this data is 10:10:00, and the data arrives at EnOS Cloud at 11:20:00, at this time (11:20:00 - 10:10:00) > 01:00:00 (1 hour), the data of this measurement point is invalid and cannot be used for the execution condition.
  5. In Execution Actions, configure the execution actions of the conditional control rule. When the measurement point data meets the execution conditions, the actions will be executed in parallel.
    • Object Type: Select the controllable device type of the selected site as the control type. For example, under the Building site, Lighting can be selected as the object type.
    • Control Object: Select a controllable device of the selected device type as the control object. For example, Light 001 of Lighting can be selected as a control object.
    • Control Command: Select a control rule configured for the current device as the control command.
    • Control Value
      • Telecontrol: Select the control value in the drop-down box, such as on-grid, off-grid, switch on, and switch off.
      • Teleadjusting: Enter the control value in the input box, such as active power setting and reactive power setting.
    • Execution Delay: Set a time to delay triggering the action. For example, if the delay execution time is set to 5 seconds, the control command will only be executed after meeting the execution condition for 5 seconds.
    • Related Points: Related points are measurement points related to control commands and can be used to compare control values. When the related point value is equal to the control value, the control request is not sent.
  6. Click OK to create the conditional control rule.

Once the conditional control rule is created, you can view, edit, duplicate, and delete the rule in the rule list.

Viewing a Conditional Control Rule

  1. Select Conditional Control in the left navigation bar. The rule list displays all conditional control rules that you have access to.
  2. To locate a target rule, select a specific site type and site in the filter box, or enter a specific rule name in the search box.
  3. Click any field of the target rule to open the rule details page and view the detailed information of the rule.
  4. Select the Basic Information tab to view the operator and timestamp of creating and updating the conditional control rule, as well as related information about the control objects.
  5. Select the Execution Records tab to view the execution status of the control commands of the conditional control rule.

Editing a Conditional Control Rule

  1. Select Conditional Control in the left navigation bar. The rule list displays all conditional control rules that you have access to.
  2. To locate a target rule, select a specific site type and site in the filter box, or enter a specific rule name in the search box.
  3. Select Edit at the end of the target rule row to modify the configuration information in the rule. For more information about configurations of the rule, see Creating a Conditional Control Rule.

Duplicating a Conditional Control Rule

  1. Select Conditional Control in the left navigation bar. The rule list displays all conditional control rules that you have access to.
  2. To locate a target rule, select a specific site type and site in the filter box, or enter a specific rule name in the search box.
  3. Select Duplicate at the end of the target rule row, modify the configuration information in the rule based on the already duplicated rule, and save.

Deleting a Conditional Control Rule

  1. Select Conditional Control in the left navigation bar. The rule list displays all conditional control rules that you have access to.
  2. To locate a target rule, select a specific site type and site in the filter box, or enter a specific rule name in the search box.
  3. Select Delete at the end of the target rule row. The rule cannot be restored once deleted.