Key Concepts

The user and permission system of Fleet Control is inherited from EnOS Application Portal. Before you start, you need to learn about the key concepts of EnOS Application Portal.

Below are the key concepts of Fleet Control.


Teleadjusting is the process of sending analog control commands (Analog Output) to a device to complete adjustment operation on the remote device. Command values are generally arbitrary floating-point numbers.

For example: sending an active power limit value to the wind turbine by tele-adjusting.


Tele-metering is the process of collecting analog quantities (Analog Input) from a device. Typically these values are arbitrary floating point number.

For example: collecting the active power limits of the wind turbine by tele-metering.


Telecontrol is the process of sending digital control commands (Digital Output) to a device to realize the operation and switching of the remote device. Command values are typically 0 or 1.

For example: causing a turbine to start or shut down using telecontrol.


Telesignal is the process of gathering digital data (Digital Input) from a device. Command values are typically 0 or 1.

For example: gathering a turbine’s power-on or power-off status through telesignal.

Control Point

A control point is the measurement point corresponding to teleadjusting and telecontrol, and the remotely control over device is exercised over the control point which the device exposes to the outside world.

Calibration Point

The calibration point is the measurement point that corresponds to the telemetering and telesignal points. It is used to detect and control the process. By comparing the calibration point and control point data, you can verify whether the control command has been issued to the corresponding device successfully.

Monitoring Point

The monitoring point is the measurement point linked to the control command, and is used to detect the control result.

For example: detecting the active power when the turbine is started and stopped, or judging the influence of the start and stop operations on the actual output of the fan.

Standardized Control Services

Standardized control services are a set of control services defined in reference to industry standards with business semantics and domain expertise. Standard control services can be continuously expanded as required as business develops, can be stored in the EnOS standard services library, and together with the existing standard attribute library and standard measurement point library, fall under the standard function library .

The following control types are supported by the Standardized Control Services.

  • On/off grid
  • Power on/off
  • Reset
  • Setting maximum active power, for both generation and consumption
  • Setting ramp rate, for both climb and descent
  • Setting maximum charging power
  • Setting maximum discharge power
  • Setting active power, including both power generation and consumption, as well as whether the corresponding energy storage is charging/discharging
  • Setting reactive power

If you need to add functionality, contact the asset administrator.

For more on standardized control services, see Model Functions Definitions and Standard Functions Library.

Asset Range Filter

Asset Range Filter can filter out sites and devices to be controlled. The control panel will then display information based on the filtered asset range.

Control Panel

The control panel is a function page that integrates multiple control commands in Fleet Control. Users can issue telecontrol or teleadjusting commands on the control panel to view the feedback of linked monitoring points and control results.

For more information, see Exploring the Control Panel.


EMS (Energy Management System) is an energy management dispatching system used to manage features of generator groups such as frequency response, active power control, and reactive power control.