Setting Sub-administrators

Sub-administrators can manage user permissions, such as assigning roles and assigning asset access permissions, within a specific organization structure.

Add a Sub-administrator

  1. Log in to the Application Portal and go to Admin Console > Sub Administrator.


  2. Click Add Sub Administrator to add a sub-administrator and set the managing scope and managing roles of the sub-administrator.

    • Select User: Search for a user account using the user’s email address and select the user from the search results list to assign as a sub-administrator.
    • Set Managing Scope: Specify the organization structure that the sub-administrator can manage. Once this is done, the sub-administrator will be able to assign roles to users within the managing scope.
    • Set Managing Roles: Select the roles that the sub administrator can assign to users.

  3. Click Submit to add the sub-administrator.

  4. In the list of sub-administrators, click the Manage icon icon_manage or the Remove icon icon_remove to change the sub-administrator’s managing scope or remove the sub-administrator permissions for the user.