Onboarding Sites and Devices

On Site Onboarding page, you can onboard a site and its devices, components, and custom type assets, and build a topology. If required, you can proceed to configure EnOS Edge connection and map device measurement points to EnOS Cloud.

There are two ways to onboard a site:

  • Creating sites on page: creating sites and building topologies for devices, components, and custom type assets through onboarding steps. With this method, site onboarding can be completed over different time periods and by task, and the onboarding step can be assigned to different roles to complete, making it ideal for situations with many onboarding engineers involved and complex asset data.
  • Creating sites by import: import the site and its devices, components, groups, and topologies at once. With this method, a large amount of data can be entered at once, and the link relationship between the data can be specified, making it suitable for situations where there are many devices within the site or there is data sharing between devices.