EnOS Platform Core Services

In EnOS 2.1 Update Release, we added new features for core services such as Resource Management, SSO, Auditing, and API Management. See the below for more details.

Resource Management

Features added for Resource Management include: new resources available for request, viewing resource history records, and deleting resources.

New Resources

You can request for the following new resources from this release onwards.

  • Device File Storage Resource: When you need to store measurement point files that are uploaded to EnOS, or store files for OTA upgrade, you need to request for the Device File Storage resource.
  • Stream Processing Resource: You need to request for the Stream Processing Resource before installing a stream processing algorithm template and native operator library and before configuring a stream processing job. There are three resource modes for stream processing resource, namely: Stream Designing, Cluster Processing, and Standalone Processing.
  • Data Federation Resource: Before creating a new data federation channel, you need to request for the Data Federation resource. Different resource specifications correspond to different processing capabilities and each resource can only be associated with one channel at any one time.
  • Batch Processing Resource: When you need to run batch data processing jobs with the Batch Processing service, you can request for the Batch Processing - Queue Resource or the Batch Processing - Container Resource based on your business needs.
  • ML Model - Container Resource: Before using the Enterprise Analytics Platform for deploying ML models, you need to request for the ML Model - Container Resource.

Viewing Resource History Records

You can now view the history records of requested resources with this feature, which enbales you to have a better understanding of the resource usage in yuor organization and plan for the resource quota in advance.

Deleting Resources

You can delete requested resources from this release onwards. Before using product functions such as stream data processing, data analytics, and time series data management, you must first request for the corresponding resources. If the requested resources are no longer needed, in order to avoid resource waste, you can delete the requested resources through the resource deletion feature.

For more information, see Resource Management on EnOS.

Single Sign On (SSO)

In EnOS 2.1 Update Release, we added support for 3rd party IdP (enterprise IdP). After configuration, users can log in EnOS by using the 3rd party IdP. Currently, the supported IdPs are Azure AD and AD FS.

For more information about Single Sign On, see Single Sign On.

Activity Log Auditing

In EnOS 2.1 Update Release, we added support for the auditing of the following operations and activities, helping organization owners to track the activity of users and resources:

  • Logging in EnOS through SSO
  • Creating and deleting resources
  • Creating and deleting devices and models
  • Opertions on data archiving jobs, data subscribing jobs, stream processing jobs, and TSDB storage policy.

For more information, see Activity Log Auditing.